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Punishment in the Martial Arts

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I think I more didn't like my mistake pointed out. It did hurt, but I don't like being called out in front of people.

Yeah i wouldn't like it either, girl. I don't blame you. at all.

You should have told your Sensei after class. Just take him/her aside and talk to him/her softly. and just say it made you feel uncomfortable to have your mistake pointed out in front of everyone.

I would. but then again I feel real comfortable talking to my senseis about anything. They are two of my greatest dojo friends. :)

anyway maybe that's what you should have done. Imo.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Haha. My sensei's teaching style is to point out everyone's mistakes constantly in front of the whole class. He'd laugh at me and probably make fun of me more in front of the class if I said anything about it. Usually I don't mind it because usually the faults he points out in me are technical things-- screwing up my blocks, punches, stances, kicks, etc. And since I'm the lowest ranking person in the class that doesn't bother me-- no one expects me to be perfect. It's the fact that it's something I could've prevented that makes it embarassing.

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No disrespect. but i myself wouldn't train with a sensei who would laugh at me if i expressed concern like that or pointed out my mistakes in front of everyone.

Had a Lieutenant do that to me when i was a Royal Canadian Army Cadet in the late 1990's. I hated him (so did everyone else) and the other cadets didnt like it when he did that, to me or to anyone else.

Idk. Maybe its just me. But i find that rather mean. I could just think about it for a minute: "Look! Blade messed up her gyaku zuki!" or some such stuff (back when i did mess it up before I learned it) I'd feel so self conscious and embarrassed.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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It's the old saying....

"When you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you."

Insecure people, imho, are quick to point out others mistakes, but even quicker to make excuses about their own!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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A little off topic from the idea of "punishment", perhaps, but in my school we all get criticized constantly, even high ranking very experienced people. The only ones who don't get picked apart are the ones sensei has given up on. I don't think we should take it personally when we are criticized in front of the class. It's so that we can get better.

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Good saying, Bob-sensei!

I like that.

btw i rather enjoy being picked apart. Because I learn better when they nitpick.

I just wondered if Lupin felt anything else other than that though from the way she wrote it. Like her sensei was mean or something.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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He's not usually mean about it. It's more like, "a correction for ______'s sake" and then he goes on to give the correction. Or he'll say "I'm going to pick on ______ a little bit" and then point out nicely what they're doing wrong. It's more just letting you know it's you who needs to make the adjustments. He usually says it jokingly, not mean. And like I said, I normally don't mind it at all. I was more upset with myself about forgetting to take my watch off than I was with him pointing it out.

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A little off topic from the idea of "punishment", perhaps, but in my school we all get criticized constantly, even high ranking very experienced people. The only ones who don't get picked apart are the ones sensei has given up on. I don't think we should take it personally when we are criticized in front of the class. It's so that we can get better.

True, if its constructive criticism! But that can only be preceived by the student that the criticism is directed at. Preception is reality to that person!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

at my dojo its 10 press ups and when shihan takahashi is doing the gradings (2 time a year) we do drill the pressups no matter what. i like it, i have become physically more strong in my upper body.


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