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Anyone ever heard of Gerald Durant?


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Now that I think of it I have...he learned first from his father, then, when in Japan he learned a form a karate. Also in canada he learned from a monk a varied style of his fathers. Then he moved to erie PA.

It's what you put into it...

1st kyu-Okinawa Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito Federation

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  • 3 weeks later...



Kenneth Allgeier


The truth about Jerry Durant is that. He was a charlatan, fake and a fraud, a pioneer of " Bad Budo " , and a criminal. If anyone is interested in learning the truth about Jerry Durant and his goshin jutsu kyo jujo " ( corect Japanese is goshin jutsu kyoju jo ), you can go to these post on E-Budo.com.








Title : Examining goshin jutsu ; Historicity:Evidence Demand a verdict






Title : goshin




Title : History of goshin jutsu






Title : Royal Martial Arts and goshin jutsu.




Title :


" goshindo" Karate Legitimacy ?




Title :


" goshin jutsu video club."








" Murakami, Jerry Durant and Aiki Jutsu"








It has been prove categorical that Jerry Durant was a fake and a pathological liar, and that his organzation is a cult -like group.



" The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war "

- Chinese Proverb

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All that stuff that Ken has about Durant is bogus. He provides false documentation and doesnt know what the #$% he is talking about. I have done research myself. All his documents that he supposably says are proof are all doctored in some way. Ken has something against Durant. He never even started any of this until Durant died.


If you have any questions about Durant look up and research him yourself. Dont believe Ken. He is nothing but a fake himself. If he wasnt afraid of Durant then he would have started this when he was alive. Not after he passed away.


Durant was not liked even by people in the association. He was a jack#$%. I asure you that his martial art is real and legit however. It has been tested time and time again.


:nod: :up:

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I dont know why Ken would be doing this. I have proof that he was nothing that Ken is saying. Should I dig up stuff on Ken and doctor it to make him look like a fake. No I wont do that. You all can think what you think about the system. I know from actuall sources outside of Goshin and from other schools that he is Legit. If Ken has nothing better to do than to give a great martial artist a bad name then nothing I can do can stop him. You must realize that he is faking a lot of his so called documents. Don't Judge the style on what Ken says. Come and see the style and Judge for yourself.



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I dont know why Ken would be doing this. I have proof that he was nothing that Ken is saying. Should I dig up stuff on Ken and doctor it to make him look like a fake. No I wont do that. You all can think what you think about the system. I know from actuall sources outside of Goshin and from other schools that he is Legit. If Ken has nothing better to do than to give a great martial artist a bad name then nothing I can do can stop him. You must realize that he is faking a lot of his so called documents. Don't Judge the style on what Ken says. Come and see the style and Judge for yourself.



BlueDragon1981:Since you have been able to review the so called documents that Ken has, could you scan and post them so that we can all see how fake they are? Your proof on Grand Master Durant's lineage would be great as well. I'm still at a loss to explain some of the questions brought up on the e-budo forums, so I haven't tried to. Let's put this to rest once and for all.


:idea: GoshinJutsu

Suddenly I realize

That if I stepped out of my body I would break

Into blossom.

- James Wright

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Well anything I have will be turned around. I do know that Ken likes to black out certian parts of written documentation so that you cant see them. That right there should tell people something. Also he has to get his names right. He says he has a diplomia on Durant that shows he is only a shodan. Look at it closely however and you see it was awarded to Matt Durant his son. I dont have a scanner(....which will probably be turned around on me...so people would say that that is an excuse...but I assure you I dont) Also most the people I know that respect Durant the most are schools that dont even teach Goshin. One school is one that teaches Shotakan and another is one that teaches something else. (King Cobra something) The one who has the most proof lives in Florida and I have been trying to get ahold of him to get this straighted out. He was going to write a book about Durant. He has a lot of Documents and tapes on Durant. Have not been able to contact him. So there is another point that they would all jump on. Any proof I do have will be changed and altered.


Plus I dont see why he would do all this after his death. How about you? Why would he need to black out things and edit tapes (which you can clearly see the editing) So you see something is not right about his sole called proof. I am working on getting ahold of the person who has all this documentation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Bluedragon1981:


1. Do you have any concert evidence, in which you can categorically refute my research point by point? If so can you state it on this forum or at https://www.e-budo.com, since no goshinist has yet been able to refute any of my conclusions. Please do not state that my research is bogus and not offer any in depth rebuttal in a rational and intelligent manner.


2.If you had actually read those posts on E-Budo, you would have read that I was once a student (unfortunately) of Jerry Durant and later received a ' black-belt' from one of Durant's senior students Ralph Porfilo. I believe this gives me better than average validity to criticize Jerry Durant and his 'goshin jutsu,' which when compared to classical Karate and Budo, is worthless from my experiences.


3. The documents that you referred to as being " blacked out" were edited for a purpose. When I originally sent out the first set of documents, the name of Rolf Strom (a student of Matt Durant) was blacked out, because Rolf was still living here in America and since some individuals associated with Durant's 'goshin jutsu kyo jujo' have criminal records and are violent psychopaths, I was protecting Rolf from harassment, which is why I also blacked out my name and the name of the translator. But since all the controversy has been stated on E-Budo, all documents now have nothing blacked or blocked out. If Bluedragon1981, you want a current (nothing blacked out) copy of the documents, please send me your address and I will mail them to you. If you have the courage to find out the truth, I will send you a copy of the Durant goshin jutsu tape also.


4. Bluedragon1981, can you explain why a number of individuals who have either seen the Video tape/documents or just looked at the different ' Durant-goshin jutsu ' webpages have come to the same conclusions.


"I can state that after viewing them I now have no doubts from what I have seen that Gerard Durant not only never studied in Japan, but never studied with a Japanese teacher in ANY art, or obtained sho-dan from any teacher in any system, in or outside of the U.S.. IF Durant studied in Japan, obtained rank in a legit Japanese art, he would have something authentic to tie him to a teacher or organization that could verify this...a picture, a certificate with a full signature that could be checked against the org's records in Japan, another legit person to verify claims. But not only are there no pictures or films of him with anyone related to authentic Japanese martial arts (be they Japanese, American, or Canadian), but there are NO legitimate certificates that can back up the Durant camp's claims of lineage legitimacy. As a matter of fact, the existence of phony certs with dubious kanji, katakana, misused hiragana, misunderstanding of Japanese dates, non-existant Japanese names and so on, only seem to confirm that no Japanese person, and no person with any understanding ofthe Japanese Language had anything to do with Durant's training or the development of his unique martial art, Goshin Jutsu Karate.


From the evidence presented, I have to agree with the conclusion of Ken Allgeier,


who had the advantage of meeting and studying with the people who ran this


organization when he was an inside member of this group and got to observe its


workings and ethos first hand. Gerard Durant apparently had a habit of being


untruthful about his training, and all evidence and accounts suggest that he


created his own martial art with a minimum of training for a very short period of


time, never passing beyond blue belt. Through the cult of personality, he was


eventually able to convince people, many of whom were ignorant at the time of


what karate was, to study with him and take his version of events as fact. The


sincere students at that time did not question doubtful tales and certificates--they


had nothing to compare them to and did not have a deep background in Japanese


martial arts."


M.C . Busman


Here is the e-mail I received from Don Cunningham on the subject of the Jerry Durant & goshin jutsu kyo jujo tape.


Hi Ken,


Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I have viewed most of the tape and reviewed the documents you sent. (I couldn't stand to watch too much at atime.)This was almost too unbelievable. It was like a comedy skit about martial


arts. I had to keep reminding myself that some people have taken this stuff


seriously. I can't begin to understand the mentality of those who did, but


I guess some people will see whatever they want instead of what is so


obviously a fraud.,,,


As for the videotape, the deragatory remarks made by Durant during the


demonstration in the shopping mall certainly present a negative image. His


need to constantly draw attention to his self-imposed status indicates an


immaturity that I found quite distasteful. I thought he was supposed to be


some sort of grandmaster? I have never seen any Japanese budoka of his age and position act in such an outrageous and vain manner. Why would anyone follow someone who behaves as such a clown is beyond my comprehension.,,,


His description of grappling and throwing techniques was absolutely ridiculous. He never referenced or used any kuzushi (off-balancing), an aspect considered absolutely critical in all major styles of Japanese jujutsu and judo. I've heard others state that Durant's techniques were effective, but I can not believe this is possible after watching his teaching techniques. As a judoka, I can state without any doubt that a throw which does not first utilize kuzushi will not be effective without a extremely cooperative uke or partner. Anyone who claims these techniques worked in actual encounters has absolutely no credibility, in my opinion, since it is next to impossible to throw a resisting opponent without first setting them up with kuzushi.,,,,,


Overall, I am surprised that anyone with the least bit of experience in any real martial arts style would believe this guy is anything but a complete fraud and egomaniac. Even without the hillbilly accent and manners, I would have trouble accepting something as ridiculous as shown on this videotape. That many apparently did respect and believe in this idiot is very frightening to me. Of course, the ones shown as his senior students and followers on this tape didn't seem to have much common sense or education in the first place. I guess it is conceivable that they may have been mislead without anything legitimate to compare it to. In this case, ignorance may be an temporary excuse, but to maintain belief in this "system" in light of so many other factors is just plain stupidity."


Don Cunningham


"As far as Mr. Durants "History", I checked in Japan and agree with Ken. The stuff


thats on that tape and written about lineage is bogus. Since I didn't write it nor


say it and the person who did is dead, there's not much more that I can do to


retrack it "


Carl McClafferty ( who recived his godan from Matt Durant on 01/20/99)






4. Bluedragon1981, can you state or explain the following, since you have publicly stated that you have done your own research into the background of Jerry Durant and 'goshin jutsu kyo jujo'.


A) Who were Jerry Durant's teachers and where did he study ?


B) Why are their no authentc/legitimate Karate kata's taught within the curriculum of Durant's goshin jutsu?


C) What lineage from Okinawa is Durant's goshin jutsu based on: Shuri-Te, Tomari-Te or Naha-Te ?


D) Durant's followers claim that they were taught Aiki Jujutsu from Jerry Durant. So from which Daito Ryu-Ha Aiki Jujutsu did Durant receive his "Kyoju Dairi" from?


E) There is also a claim that Jerry Durant studied and taught Nihon Jujutsu. So from which Jujutsu Ryu did Jerrry Durant train in?


F) Can you explain why Jerry Durant is being parodied at this webpage- http://xeroth.org/pcults_stories/durant.html


Thank You,


Ken Allgeier

" The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war "

- Chinese Proverb

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