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I would like to hear from U about what you expect a black belt grading to be like. I know of my expectations but what do U know of yours and your past dan grading expieriences.


Let me know


Especially you kyu grades :grin:


This Message was edited by: moobrack on Aug 10, 2001 12:52pm


This Message was edited by: moobrack on Aug 11, 2001 5:38am

Anthony Bullock

1st Dan Black Belt - Shotokan Karate

5th Kyu Yellow Belt - Aiki-Jutsu

https://www.universaldojo.com Coming Soon

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I got my 1st Dan 2 years ago under the KUGB, The Dan gradings are alot harder than Kyu gradings, and i passed at my 2nd attempt


I faild my 2nd Dan gradiang a few months ago and it was alot harder than the 1st Dan grading, I'm grading again in September.


Dan gradings are a big step up from Kyu gradings and shouldn't be under estimated, you need to be at your very best





"In combat know the enemys rhythm, use a rhythm he cannot anticipate, upset his rhythm, and win." Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)


Chris Pullan.

1st Dan Shotokan Karate. (KUGB)

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Thanx chris. I am currently working on all aspects for my grading but especially my kata and fitness.


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This Message was edited by: Patrick on Aug 11, 2001 9:11am

Anthony Bullock

1st Dan Black Belt - Shotokan Karate

5th Kyu Yellow Belt - Aiki-Jutsu

https://www.universaldojo.com Coming Soon

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fitness is a very useful thing in Dan gradings as they are very tiering from my experiance, don't forget your kumite as this is also important if you are going to pass. which i'm sure you will, when is your grading?


Good luck. :karate:



"In combat know the enemys rhythm, use a rhythm he cannot anticipate, upset his rhythm, and win." Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)


Chris Pullan.

1st Dan Shotokan Karate. (KUGB)

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our kumite is nonstop and lasts for 20 mins.I am not particularly looking forward to it.


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This Message was edited by: Patrick on Aug 11, 2001 9:12am

Anthony Bullock

1st Dan Black Belt - Shotokan Karate

5th Kyu Yellow Belt - Aiki-Jutsu

https://www.universaldojo.com Coming Soon

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I think a grading should entail the following:


-test of physical discipline (eg: ability to ignore pain to a degree)...


-near technical perfection of every technique.


-harsh discipline to anyone who does not act as if they are taking the grading seriously.


-a fail grade to anyone who is not physically and mentally adequate for the position of black belt.


That's what i reckon anyway...


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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Yes I agree. Cheers M8.


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This Message was edited by: Patrick on Aug 11, 2001 9:13am

Anthony Bullock

1st Dan Black Belt - Shotokan Karate

5th Kyu Yellow Belt - Aiki-Jutsu

https://www.universaldojo.com Coming Soon

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A grading should mirror what the people being graded want out of the martial arts, if you want to fight, then your grading should reflect this, and focus on fitness and sparring (e.g. BNMA). If you want to focus more on the traditional aspect, go for an association which will nuture this side of the martial arts. When you reach your dan grading, your instructors should have shown you all the different areas of the martial art you practise, so you can choose your own path.


(tobias might have noticed i've tried to avoid stopping the thread this time... :razz:)


This Message was edited by: ts757 on Aug 11, 2001 12:52pm

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