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If you didn't have Karate what would you be doing now?


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If you didn't have Karate what would you be doing now?

I thought, many a time, what would I be like now if it wasn't for my Karate.

Would I still be training in Muay Thai or taken up Jujitsu or gone to Westerm Boxing or Western Wrestling or even become a couch potato.

What are your Ideas thoughts on this subject?

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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I probably would be a couch potato with half-hearted attempts to get into some sort of lame exercise routine.

I was a collegiate athlete many years ago which came to a premature end because of major back surgery.

I kind of wandered aimlessly in and out of exercise (triathlons, 5Ks...all of which were about the worst thing for my back) with no true purpose.

Started karate almost two years ago, and it has definitely changed everything, for the better. Can't imagine not being a part of it anymore.

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I'd probably be dead quite frankly. Karate taught me that I can be confident in myself, that I have something to be confident about. I actually "quit" training and then came back 2 years later because I was in an incredibly bad place. I probably wouldn't have graduated high school, or gotten into college.

Where would I be without karate? Nowhere really.

"We do not do karate. We are karate." -Hanshi Doug Perry

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I would be searching for an activity that I could share with my children, as karate is a father-sons activity in my household. (I have two seven-year-olds.) I'm also a single parent, so on the days that my boys aren't with me, I take the adult classes, allowing me to do something constructive--and even social--during that open time. I'm also keeping a step ahead of them, so that when they do go to the next step, I'm prepared to help. Karate is an important bond; I don't know what would replace it and achieve the same results.

This is a good thinking question for a parent.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Where would I be without karate? Nowhere really.

Very well stated- I totally agree. Karate has given me confidence and strength....both physical and mental.

Joi H.

"Victory does not come from physical capacity- it comes from an indomitable will"- Gandhi

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If you didn't have Karate what would you be doing now?

I thought, many a time, what would I be like now if it wasn't for my Karate.

Would I still be training in Muay Thai or taken up Jujitsu or gone to Westerm Boxing or Western Wrestling or even become a couch potato.

What are your Ideas thoughts on this subject?

See, this is why I always like to have back-up plans for most things I do. In the case of martial arts, its the same. I never believe in putting "all my eggs in one basket" :)

Right now, money is an issue for me so I can not train. However, I am using this time to research other schools and a different style for when I can afford to return to training. In the meantime, I have a ridiculously cheap gym membership that has a lots of different classes, a basement full of equipment and live near a park, so I have plenty to keep me occupied. :D

I know a couple people who own schools and, seriously, martial arts is all they know. In fact, they are visibly uncomfortable and can't sustain any friendships with anyone outside of martial arts, simply because they themselves have no life outside of their school and training. Oh well, to each his own, but personally I find that really sad. I would never want to be in that position where I had no other interests because I would go nuts. This is why I feel it's always good to broaden your interests in case something happens out of the blue where you are forced to give up training (be it finances, job loss, death in the family, a severe injury). Hey you never know!

I really, really love martial arts, but for now, circumstances dictate that I can't train and I'm 100% ok with that, because I have a back-up plan. :D

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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If you didn't have Karate what would you be doing now?

I hate to say it but, golf probably :roll:

I also agree with Tiger, you have to have something outside your ma - it shouldn't be your "be all and end all".

In fact, most of the best martial artists I know have other "greater" passions ie rugby, acting, windsurfing???

It is possible to "burn out" in ma terms and sometimes I think we are all ma addicts in some respects. Like everything in life, it's all about balance – everything in moderation.


"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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Wa-No-Michi I do agree that you can "burn out" I sometimes feel like that and then my addiction kicks in and I go to class and think, Oh I am glad I came that was a good class. But I have had days when I wish I never showed up.

If I did not have ma I probably be spending more time with my horse's like I did before ma.

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Wa-No-Michi I do agree that you can "burn out" I sometimes feel like that and then my addiction kicks in and I go to class and think, Oh I am glad I came that was a good class. But I have had days when I wish I never showed up.

If I did not have ma I probably be spending more time with my horse's like I did before ma.

You have a horse??!!! :o

aw heck, I'd be riding every day !!!!! :D :up:

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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If I didn't have karate I would do another martial art. Since I already do iaido I would increase that, and maybe add aikido. If I couldn't do any martial arts at all? I would probably stay home and watch TV and drink too much. :P I'm not saying that's what I hope I would do, but I might. All I know is that I have never found an activity that I became obsessive about like MA, and all of the other forms of "exercise" I have tried have been a chore rather than a joy. So I hope I never have to give up MA!

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