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kiai.... LOUDER!!!

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I always hated kiai-ing when I was little (we don't do it in the adult class for some reason, but we did it in the kids' class). I'm not all that shy, but I still probably wouldn't kiai very loudly if we were made to. I just don't like being loud. I hate making a lot of noise for what I see to be no reason. I was never one to cheer at sporting events and I always make fun of those girls who feel the need to yell "woo" randomly while dancing or drinking. And kiai-ing just seemed that same way to me-- like a pointless loud noise in an otherwise quiet room. It's not that I have trouble sceaming-- I'm famous for being able to yell over a cafeteria full of elementary school students (I've had good vocal training) but I still have trouble bringing myself to scream without a purpose and I'm not very good at the whole imagining thing.

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I always hated kiai-ing when I was little (we don't do it in the adult class for some reason, but we did it in the kids' class). I'm not all that shy, but I still probably wouldn't kiai very loudly if we were made to. I just don't like being loud. I hate making a lot of noise for what I see to be no reason. I was never one to cheer at sporting events and I always make fun of those girls who feel the need to yell "woo" randomly while dancing or drinking. And kiai-ing just seemed that same way to me-- like a pointless loud noise in an otherwise quiet room. It's not that I have trouble sceaming-- I'm famous for being able to yell over a cafeteria full of elementary school students (I've had good vocal training) but I still have trouble bringing myself to scream without a purpose and I'm not very good at the whole imagining thing.

I dont like drawing attention to myself because I'm a shy and quiet person who's actually afraid of people. But kiai is easy for me cause its in the dojo where everyone kiai's. so i blend in at least.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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  • 2 years later...
well i've been having trouble with this one girl in class. everyclass when we do anything, she has a very very veeerrrry soft kiai where you can barely hear it. whenever we do kata, we can't get past the first move because my shihan wants me to start over and over again until she kiais loud enough.... but she never does. any suggestions?

It may just be nerves - try to convince her possible you could make everyone in the dojo give a massive kiai or something as if to encourage her. just a suggestion :karate:

OSS! Shimizu Yuuhiro Shodan Shukokai Karate-Do

Yoon Kwan Ilgop Kup ITF Tae Kwon-Do

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  • 2 months later...

I think that bellowing like a lion that has stepped on a hornet is rather silly, to be honest, but each to their own. If someone is showing adequate spirit, commitment and intensity then whatever noise that they use to help focus their attention and strength is fine by me - be it a bellow, a soft cry, a hiss or whatever else suits them.

I acknowledge the usefulness of a loud cry in certain situations, for example it can be used to prompt a flinch response in an opponent that can create useful openings for attack or escape , or it can help to draw attention to your situation, but many times it is used purely for show or out of unthinking conformity

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I always kiai loud, and of course, draw attention to myself in the process. I hated it when I first started because I was shy and didn't know anyone when I walked in.

Tang Soo Do - Red Belt (2nd GUP)

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