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These words all mean the same thing. Yet so short, but a thousand books could be written about them. As I study ki Aikido, I have seen a lot of its effects, and in some cases my unwillingness to believe that my sensei has taken me off my feet and I cant quite place where she touched me. Also after doing shotokan which in many cases is techniques and strength this Martial magic of Ki is really lost in its purest form.


In short what I am trying to ask is what is it?


Do people think it is the magic of the Universe within us that cannot be explained. Purely scientific phycological and biological phenomon that allows the smallest man to knock down the biggest.


Any thoughts?



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If science has a theory that can explain it, then I'll believe it!



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.


Read some of our posts in the Internal Arts section. Maybe that'll mean something, because personally, I can't explain it in less than 8 pages :roll:




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