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What to eat on the morning of the test?

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Next weekend, I will be testing for green belt with brown stripe (4th kyu, I believe), and the test will be at 9:00 AM. I was wondering what a good breakfast would be so that I'll have enough energy, yet won't give me a stomachache during the test.

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Depends on what you're used to eating pre-workout. It's very individualized, despite what alot of opinionated people (myself included) would have you think.

Generally, some light carbs and some protein are best. If you're up at 7 a and the test is at 9, I'd think about some toast with peanut butter and fruit on the side. Just pre-test you could have a nutrition bar of some sort or more fruit of your choice. That's ideal. In reality, I'd probably hit a bowl of cereal and banana. Maybe a soda pre-test.

For what you're looking at, a normal breakfast of whatever you're used to should be fine.

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Thank you, those are good suggestions. I'm not sure whether to create a whole new topic for this, but there is also a good chance that a good part of the test will be outside. Heat exhaustion is a possibility, then. So I'll stay hydrated during the test, I have 2 36 oz. bottles of Gatorade for the test, but when's the best time to drink them, before, during, or after the test?

Edited by Lord Yasai

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Tallgeese has it narrowed down. Being a ex amatuer mtn biker racer, and extremist sports nut. Mostly what I did was fruit, energy bars, gatorade type drinks water'd down by half.

The worst part is the nerves though, if your not use to being infront of a people alot of times that can unwound a person and make them sick no matter how well you eat.

What I've done for this was picture myself in some place I felt comfortable in and visualize that. that usually help'd me out.

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Yeah, nerves can be bitter, no matter what you eat.

Visualization is a good way to handle them. Another method of using is visualizing the test before hand, as realistic and vivid as you can. Put yourself in it and work thru everything. It will sort of pre-condition you to the event. The key is detail and realistic performance. Of course, it should go without saying that you visualize yourself doing well.

As for hydrating, drink before, during, and after. The sports drinks are fine. I actually like water better during activity. I've seen studies go both ways, personally, at the level most of use are at, it's more important to simply hydrate. Choice is yours.

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I've tried that before, closing my eyes and doing all my techniques in my head, and it works pretty well. I was either thinking of doing that on the way to the test, or psyching myself up by listening to metal on my mp3 player. Which is a better way to mentally prepare myself?

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That is entirely dependent on you. That's the kind of thing that will be highly individualized. Generally, I go with the visualization in the days leading up to the event. I too am a power metal guy before competitions and such. But that's me, everyone will have to experiment and find which prepares them better.

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What about lunch suggestions for an all day test? For me, I will eat a small cup of cottage cheese with 1 piece of a peach.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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