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What style do you study? And Why?

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ITF Tae Kwon Do .... Started training at 33 (10 yrs. ago) at the school of a friend. His wife was wanting to get back into TKD after a long hiatus after having kids and I started training with her. I also started my son and took family classes with him. My daughter then began and I had another child and now he is taking TKD.


I especially prefer "traditional" TKD as opposed to "sport"/competition TKD because I have found that it is of particular importance that the two aspects of Tae Kwon Do, the spirit and the technique, must be taught together. Yes, TKD is self-defense. But our aim is also truth, goodness, "perfection of character" and beauty in the form of balance between our physical and mental development.



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I started Shotokan May 2000 and to be honest only started because I was told by the man who later became my Sensei, that he wanted to learn computer applications and would offer to teach Shotokan in return as he couldn't afford classes.


Funny really...he still hasn't shown up for a class...but I didn't miss any of his?


I then got hooked. Since then I have been learning more and more about the history and applications and language. I find it all very interesting. Its the only "thing" I do for me and treasure my times when training.


In the past week I have been to a couple of other martial arts whilst visiting Scotland on business and feel more sure than ever that I am currently doing the right art for me. Though I do have to admit, after sampling Aikido this week - I would really like to take that up at a later date. I hope to see/take part in many arts over the years to increase my knowledge and learn the pros and cons of as many arts as possible. Whilst doing this I intend to grow and develope in Shotokan and hope to one day attain a black belt and maybe even teach my self one day.





Be nice if I get this right one day...

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Actually, I started cuz my dad made me. Soccer season was over and he told me I couldn't just sit around the house. My brothers were already in TSD and he said I could pick that or the dance school right around the corner.



cho dan TSD

"Every second that you are not training, someone somewhere is training to kick your butt"- Kyo Sa Lyle (my instructor)

"Where we going in 5 months?!?!?!" "Cali!!"

-Spring Break '04

"Life begins at 130 mph".

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I started in TKD and moved to Seido for many years. After an absence due top moving around in the military and work I recently began Shaolin Wushu Kung Fu. I was looking for a good studio to train in this style for many years and chose this style because it is very different from previous styles I had practiced. It is MUCH more difficult than I imagined both mentally and physically. It is not the modern version of Wushu but the older Shaolin style. I have lost considerable weight (which I needed to do and still have more to lose) and feel great.



Level 1

Traditional Shaolin Wushu Kung Fu

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I started tae kwon do when I was eleven - my three brothers had gotten into it and had just had their first grading....my parents didn't like the idea of their daughter in the MA's, but I'm the oldest, and eventually I caught up to my brothers, who are 13, 10, and 9. We all train very hard, and have earned our red belts together. I am also the youngest non-black belt who assists in teaching young beginners. I train with both adults and juniors in tae kwon do, so I can learn all parts of the curriculum with different people.


About three or four months ago, my instructor, who is a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, started introducing more BJJ into our TKD curriculum (he had always had little bits in it) and started teaching BJJ with his friends from the jiu-jitsu school at our tkd place. I am the only girl in my class. I'm a white belt in BJJ, and it's definitely just as fun as TKD.

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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