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The Other Side Of The Fence!


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Politics in the Martial Arts are what they are. They're not to be ignored, but, when we hear of something political happening within the core of Martial Arts Organization/Associations/Federations; it might just cause a lifted brow or two.

From your side of the fence, it's not always greener...or is it?

Depending on whom one would ask the following question would depend if the above statement is true or not, to that person.

Joe Smoe, not real name...duh, is the head of his own Karate Organization. By 'his' I mean Joe Smoe's founded his very own Karate Organization. Let's call his organization...ABC123 Karate-Do Organization...for fun...or because I can't think of a cool/catchy title.

Joe Smoe has been in Karate for...lets say...45 years. Joe Smoe's resume is as long as the Nile. Joe Smoe's held this postion, this title, this award, this honor and he's been featured everywhere but on the moon...that's for later on in life.

Before Joe Smoe founded his own Karate Organization, Joe Smoe had earned the Dan rank of Godan (5th Dan) from a noted Shotokan Master.

Joe Smoe started studying Shotokan Karate in...lets say...1965. Achieved a Shodan ranking in...1972 from Super Duper Karate Union and Nidan ranking from The National Karate Okie Dokie Union in 1976. Joined United States Karate Kick-Butt Association and eventually received Godan from that organization in 1984. Joe Smoe then founds the ABC123-Do Karate Organization in 1978 and have Rokudan and Shichidan certificates from the High Dan Board. Have studied in clinics and seminars conducted by a plethoria of who's who in the Martial Arts world.

Now, Joe Smoe decides that it's time to receive his Hachidan (8th Dan) from the High Dan Board. Several years later, Joe Smoe decides that it's time to receive his Kudan (9th Dan) from the High Dan Board. For some and strange reason, known only to Joe Smoe, he stops at Kudan and doesn't obtain a Judan (10th Dan). Perhaps this is pushing his luck...or...that's for when he's much, much older.

I see a pattern here! Do you? Joe Smoe's Rokudan, Shichidan, Hachidan, and Kudan are all from the High Dan Board. This High Dan Board...is from the very Organization that HE FOUNDED HIMSELF!!!!! From Shodan and above, Joe Smoe's received his Dan rankings from everywhere EXCEPT Shotokan!!!!! Joe Smoe didn't promote himself, no way, that would be...wrong. But, Joe Smoe, being the founder of his very own Karate Organization, had an influence; an undeniable influence on the High Dan Board! Joe Smoe's ranks above Shodan aren't from Shotokan, therefore, is Joe Smoe a product of Organizations and the like, but, not of his instructor of Shotokan?

Hhhhmmmmmmmm....something smells...fishy...very convenient to me...well...to Joe Smoe at least.

What do you smell?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Well, it does sound fishy. I don't understand why it needs to be done, though. Just take what you are, and go with it. Let actions determine what people feel, and not a bunch of pieces of paper.

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I don't think it matters that much to be honest. Who's to say anyone has the authority or right to give out rankings? Whatever ranking system you're in there will always be someone right at the start who had to give themselves, or have a board give them, their dan belts. Take the founder of my org, only had a 2nd dan in another martial art but gets promoted to 9th dan as head of the organization.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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There is away around this. Take my sensei, for example.

He left the United States Chito-ryu federation because they wouldn't let him teach for free. He is still technically a member, so they allow him to test. They actually offered him Godan to come back in the federation full time (major civil war in the Chito-ryu federation, and split three ways), but he just didn't wanna get stuck in the politics.

Anyways, you can be the head of your own organization and still be a member of, and test out of, your original organization.

Green Belt, Chito-Ryu

Level II, US Army Combatives


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I've been in a situation quite a few times where a senior ranking person at my school would be teaching the class for our regular instructor and we would be working on a technique or form and the instructor would be showing us the incorrect method. Suppose you KNOW this person is teaching you INCORRECTLY but speaking up to the instructor to voice this would be considered "out of protocol". :roll: How to rectify this? Wait until regular instructor is back in class and ask for correct technique to be shown. Yet, over and over again the same technique is shown incorrectly by alternate instructor who will pitch a fit if anyone dares correct him/her or challenges him/her and if so, you will hear from him/her "I AM THE INSTRUCTOR" (dan member, sa bom, kyo sa, etc., -- insert title here) :roll: It's so frustrating.

Some people are so quick to remind others of their rank, certificate and whatnot, but on the floor, it's apparent that rank doesn't demonstrate the knowledge that is supposed to go along with it. I know a few individuals who fit this. Thankfully, I no longer have to put up with it, since I no longer train at said school. :D

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I've been in a situation quite a few times where a senior ranking person at my school would be teaching the class for our regular instructor and we would be working on a technique or form and the instructor would be showing us the incorrect method. Suppose you KNOW this person is teaching you INCORRECTLY but speaking up to the instructor to voice this would be considered "out of protocol". :roll: How to rectify this? Wait until regular instructor is back in class and ask for correct technique to be shown. Yet, over and over again the same technique is shown incorrectly by alternate instructor who will pitch a fit if anyone dares correct him/her or challenges him/her and if so, you will hear from him/her "I AM THE INSTRUCTOR" (dan member, sa bom, kyo sa, etc., -- insert title here) :roll: It's so frustrating.

Some people are so quick to remind others of their rank, certificate and whatnot, but on the floor, it's apparent that rank doesn't demonstrate the knowledge that is supposed to go along with it. I know a few individuals who fit this. Thankfully, I no longer have to put up with it, since I no longer train at said school. :D

Anyone that finds themself in a similar situation, then I'd suggest to this person. Approach this situation with kid gloves. While they're in a Catch-22, it's their money, thier training, and they just want all instructors to be on the same page as the Chief Instructor; that's not much to ask for! If the instructor at question just can't get on the same page as the Chief Instructor, then, it's time for that instructor to open his own school, or, it's time for that student to find a school free of baggage, just as you did.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I've been in a situation quite a few times where a senior ranking person at my school would be teaching the class for our regular instructor and we would be working on a technique or form and the instructor would be showing us the incorrect method. Suppose you KNOW this person is teaching you INCORRECTLY but speaking up to the instructor to voice this would be considered "out of protocol". :roll: How to rectify this? Wait until regular instructor is back in class and ask for correct technique to be shown. Yet, over and over again the same technique is shown incorrectly by alternate instructor who will pitch a fit if anyone dares correct him/her or challenges him/her and if so, you will hear from him/her "I AM THE INSTRUCTOR" (dan member, sa bom, kyo sa, etc., -- insert title here) :roll: It's so frustrating.

Some people are so quick to remind others of their rank, certificate and whatnot, but on the floor, it's apparent that rank doesn't demonstrate the knowledge that is supposed to go along with it. I know a few individuals who fit this. Thankfully, I no longer have to put up with it, since I no longer train at said school. :D

This is where learning how to teach comes into play. I think that it is important for instructors to have an instructor's class, where they can get together and discuss and review how they teach the forms, moves, etc, of the system, and more importantly, why they teach them that way. I think this kind of class can decrease the number of incidents like Tiger here has discussed.

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I agree about an Instructors class (we have one in our Association) but there always seems to be one guy in every school I have been at that pulls rank and teaches like doo! My policy, when in a class being run by this kind of person, is to just train...and if I happen to see my partner making an error in technique I will correct him but I go no further than that. If I get incorrect information I never argue...I just chuckle inside and continue to train. The mat is not the place to have this kind of discussion when in a student-teacher relationship....off the mat is more appropriate-with the presence of a higher ranking instructor to clarify.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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An instructors class? I can't imagine any organization not having one! It's a no-brainer, imho. This, an instructors class, keeps all of the instructors on the same page as the Chief Instructor/Hombu.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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