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Invited to Aikido Testing

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I got a call from the sempai today, telling me that he and the Sensei spoke, and that I have been officially extended an invitation to test this season, coming up on April 23. I am pretty jacked about it, because I didn't figure I would be invited to test. So, I am looking forward to it, and my uke partner and I have been working pretty hard on the requirments for the test. It should be a good time. :)

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Congrats and good luck :D

What do you have to do for the test?

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Thanks, everyone. I'll keep you posted as I go along. I plan on really hitting technique hard these next few weeks, to work out the kinks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, testing was on Thursday, the 23rd. It went well, and the sensei told us all that we passed our tests. I was pretty pleased, and have been feeling a lot better about all the stuff me and my training partner have been spending time on. It has really paid off.

The testing started off with warm-up stretches and a few Aikitaisos. From there, we did some rolling exercises and some knee-walking (shikko) as a group. Then, we got into the testing.

Me and my white belt partner went first. Before the techniques, we demonstrated what is called kokyudosa, which was an energy sensitivity drill where one uses the other's energy to get them knocked over and into a pin. It goes from the knees in seiza, and is done by grabbing the wrists. I had not done this in class officially, but seemed to do ok. Then, we did the techniques. I got to be nage (thrower) first. We did each technique about 4 times each, enough that the sensei could see that we understood the principles from each side. I felt like I moved fairly smooth, accept for the hitch I've been having on Ikkyo, but it will get better with time. My partner went next, and I got to be uke (receiver), which I think gets looked at as well, to see how well our falls and rolls are coming along.

Two girls testing for 3rd kyu went next, and they had a ton of techniques, with several done from seiza position. They also did bokken kata 1, and then some jiri waza (?), where uke attacked continuously and nage demonstrated different defenses.

Last was the high ranking student testing for 2nd kyu. He did a lot of standing and kneeling techniques, as well as a randori against 3 attackers, which was fun to watch.

After everyone tested, we did a circle and had a few students demonstrate different defenses from some standard grabs for the audience. I also got to be a demo-boy for sensei, who led me around by my head for a little bit, which was fun, too.

Overall, I enjoyed my first Aikido testing, and look forward to more and more.

After we were dismissed, and some folks were talking with the sempai, they commented on my flexibility. They said I was quite flexible, noticibly moreso than the others in the class. That made me feel kind of good. :)

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