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Well, fighting games usually aren't accuate representations as the animators program in the movements based on themself, whimsy, or whatever. There's a Capoeira Regional character in 3+, but the applications are strange and there are motion captures of a gymnast mixed in. The rest? No clue. Some gungfu guys, some karateka, Hwoarang is TKD, and so on.. but how accurate any of them are is dubious.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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If it is the movie Taken, I imagine that the "style" used is more along the lines of military or LEO type combatives, like an RBSD set-up. That is what I see it being portrayed as. Now, it could be that they had some accomplished TMA stylists do the choreography for the movie, so its hard to say exactly.

Well, fighting games usually aren't accuate representations as the animators program in the movements based on themself, whimsy, or whatever. There's a Capoeira Regional character in 3+, but the applications are strange and there are motion captures of a gymnast mixed in. The rest? No clue. Some gungfu guys, some karateka, Hwoarang is TKD, and so on.. but how accurate any of them are is dubious.

I think that when fighting arts are transcribed to a game setting, like for Tekken, then I think they try to take what things look like of the art from the outside, and tranlate it to the gameplay. With Hwaorang, for example, they did a good job of emphasizing the kicking aspect of TKD, and of even giving him an extensive arsenal of kicks, including 360 kicks, ax kicks, etc. With Eddie Gordo/Tiger (one of my favorites...), I think they did a good job of bringing out the spinning, circling, and hand stand movements of Capoeria, but I agree that the applications would likely leave a little to be desired. The character Paul Phoenix? was to be a mix of Karate and some Judo, and they did a nice job of giving him throws and counter-throws as an emphasis. But the problem comes down to having all these different characters that can really interact in only one way with different characters, so I think it becomes tough to really bring out the depth and applications of the styles at hand.

Still, it is a fun game. :)

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Yeah it was the movie i was thinking about. I figured it wouldn't be a specific style but i have a friend who was curious and so i figred i'd help him find out. Thanks anyway.

Currently a Blue Belt in AKKI Kenpo

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Tekken is awesome. King was always my favorite, but once Tekken 4 came along I went right to Jin. I love it when he steps into Sanchin dachi and then blasts off a double seiken tsuki.

I always liked Baek and Lee

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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