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America and England

Sin Style

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the only person who talks posh is the queen and her family, american accents suck, i hate how they speak in central america.


the mexican bloke from next friday with the hat over his eyes, now his account is wicked :grin:

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yeh the usa accent sucks..its like they are shouting at us all the time..lolz..i like the mississippi accent..i think its funny..lolz

When you put water into a cup,it becomes the cup.When you put water in a T-Pot,it becomes the T-Pot..be water my friend!!

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Our accent sucks? Which one? :razz:


What do I find weird? Let's see. . . .


Warm beer. Do you really do this?


Hot tea, no iced tea. Hot tea in winter I understand. No iced tea on a hot summer day? Sacrilege!


Soccer/Football. 'Nuff said. Rugby more than makes up for it, though.


That techo-rave stuff they call "music" over there. Where's the fiddle?


Making self-defense illegal is just creepy.


Dinner. . . . boiled everything. :eek:


Cricket. I'd laugh right in your English faces if I didn't come from the country that invented baseball. :roll:


CCTV cameras recording you in public. :uhoh:


That whole royalty deal. . . . what's up with that? The most useless people in your society are the most celebrated and billions in gifts are lavished upon them. . . . wait, I get it. It's kind of like our talk show hosts. Never mind that one.


Of course, all the above points should be taken only as jokes, 'cause that's all they are. I have nothing against the English.


* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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I'm not sure I'd say England is a police state, but it's edging pretty close. This has absolutely nothing to do with what weapons the police carry. Orwell's police in 1984 carried only truncheons. However, I note that those police who "don't carry guns" are backed up by weapons squads with carbines and subguns. :roll:


1. Gun laws/knife laws/self-defense laws


Self defense appears to be a no-no, a traditional hallmark of police states. Weapons in the hands of citizens are a no-no, another telltale sign.




Television cameras recording your every move in public. . . I hate to keep harping on 1984, but the analogy is pretty close. From over here, one gets the impression that if the British public can be convinced that CCTV in their homes would reduce crime by at least 5%, they'll go for it sooner or later. Perhaps that's inaccurate.


3. Elimination of jury trials.


We've been reading with great interest over here about certain criminal courts in England giving up jury trials to save time. . . . ostensibly.


Again, these are not meant to mean that I hold some grudge against the English people. But, you asked. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not all that impressed with my own government either.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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EOT, I'm not sure what you mean. What technology do we have surrounding us that you don't have in England? I was under the impression that we were about on a par technologically.


In any event, CCTV would be illegal here. We do have some traffic-light cameras, which tick me off no end as they are simply revenue machines and represent a perfect starting point for abusive surveillance. These have been found legal because they observe only the roadway, which is state-owned.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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England is just another country. The people their are like Americans, but just with different customs, and have an accent. Thats my impression of England, base on my impression of London. I would like to go to London, just to experience the different customs, and the beers, and the ladies, and the beers.

Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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Of course. America has a few weird things too. (Just a few, mind you. :wink: )


Pork Rinds. Whose idea was THAT, anyway? I have a friend who likes the freaking things and recently tried--I swear--microwaveable pork rinds. He puked. :up:


SUVs. Dear God, do I hate those wannabe station wagons. Buy a truck or buy a wagon, people.


Punkin Chunkin'


Actually, I like this one a lot. It's a big contest where people build all manner of cannon, catapaults and trebuchet and launch pumpkins for distance. Very cool. Still weird.


Our speed limits drive me nuts. I'd prefer the German model even with all the additional driver training.


We're REALLY religious. I get the impression that we take it a lot more seriously than Europeans do. Which is fine if you're into that, but to an outsider looks a little. . . . weird.


Everything has to be bigger. More food! Bigger SUV! I looked it up recently and I think a super-size #4 meal from McDonald's, which I used to love to have with a Coke, is the equivalent of my current daily calorie intake. What the hell is up with that?




Still. . . . all that said. . . . at least we know enough to chill beer. :grin:




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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"Warm beer. Do you really do this?"


Why is American beer served cold? So you can tell the difference between it and urine. :lol: j/k.


But yes the 'techno-rave' isn't so good, luckily we can still get access to good music here too!




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Yes, that's certainly a difference between us. Americans LIKE being able to tell the difference. Britons almost seem like they want to be able to pretend . . . . . . :grin: If you ever get to the U.S., find a Shiner Bock. I promise, no urine traits. It's just damn good stuff. I've been told it's not really a bock, but I wouldn't know. It's not Coors or Budweiser, I promise.


At least you took Madonna off our hands. We are, however, going to have to smack you around for the Spice Girls. Sorry, it's a matter of principle. If we let you do something like that to us we'll be getting it from all sides; we've already got the damn Canadians sending everybody they don't want to listen to South to bug us.


You don't by any chance want George Michael and Hugh Grant back, do you? Because that could be arranged.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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