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America and England

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ive always wondered this.


what do the people of America think of England?


like do you see England as part of your history or just some little country


i know most americans think the way we run our government is stupid


tell me wat you think



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There is no question England is part of our history. However with that said we don't study British history in HS or anything. Unless its just a special class offered at different schools.


Most Americans look upon England as our older brother. Although he may not be as strong as he once was he is our friend and we will always stand together despite our family fights in the Revolution and 1812.


Our American History class usually start in 1492 with the discovery of the new world. So that era from 1500 to 1775 what the British crown is doing is what we are doing. Still we don't focus on a lot of European affairs but its influence on the Americas.


As the joke goes America and England are 2 people separated by a common language



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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You forgot sipping tea, and eating fish and chips. :lol:


Seriously, I don't know of anyone that doesn't respect England for all of its accomplishments. My personal favorite is how you held off the nazis air armada in WWII.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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A tremendous bond grew between the people of England and the people of the United States (not just the Governments) during, and immediately following, the second World War. And of course, the men and women that formed those close bonds are passing on and few have shared what really happened to them in World War II. It was too painful. So unfortunately the bonds have severed a bit between our two countries. The English dislike "Americanisms" .... the ways we supposedly have over here in America.


When we Americans travel (I work in a travel agency), they love to go to England ...it’s charming, friendly and you don’t have to speak a foreign language! In order to live in Europe you have to be able to speak at least one language and most people speak several. Hollywood depicts Americans as wealthy, colorful, fast-living jet setters ... but it’s not reality. Think of the movies we Americans loveto watch... Room at the Top, Bridget Jones Diary, Notting Hill , all simple, romantic, charming! That’s how we think of England. The place where they don't play football ... (hmmm, might have to relocate there during football season!)


America is very much like England, just bigger. We have the same values and there is probably even less crime in New York than in London.


Sept. 11th brought many people together especially America and England. (Remember, America came in and helped England in their hour of need and now the tables were turned!)They loved our patriotism ...they loved Tony Blair for playing the American National Anthem and flying immediately to America to stand by our side... and they cried as we cried.


Remember too America is one big melting pot. I am 1/4 English (on my fathers side... his grandmother came to America from England). Many of us have genealogical ties to England.




KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Tae Kwon Do (ITF)


Cardio/Fitness Kickboxing Instr.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-07-05 12:16 ]

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respect is due to you all, what i also noticed a bond between our countrys was when princess diana was killed, i always thought the US people knew nuthin of our royal family then i saw so many americans crying.



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We like you and all. We just think you're a little . . . . weird. But we mean that in the nicest way possible.


Yes, I find your government far too "police state" for my tastes, but hey, I don't live there. No skin off my nose.


Voltaire said:


"The English are like their beer. Foam at the top, dregs at the bottom. Excellent in the middle."




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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