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Kihon Kumite Number 1?


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We have been working on Kihon Kumite Number 1 and I am having a lot of trouble doing it.

I know we have to get into fighting stance then bring our legs together to do mae geri and mawashi geri. After that, do you step, block down (I'm not sure what the name of it is, but you block gedan), punch, and when you punch your left or right arm has to be by your ear or something? I hope that makes some sense!! I would appreciate any advice.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Sushi -- I hate to say it, but you really should just ask your instructor. Kihon kata just means "basic kata", and will can vary widely from one school to another, even within the same style. In my school, which also practices a traditional Japanese style (Shito-ryu), Kihon Kata 1 does not have any kicks. It's just down blocks and straight punches. Starting off, you turn to your left 90 degrees and down block with your left. Your left fist comes up to your right ear to prep, and your right arm extends, but I think different styles extend it differently. Then after you block you step in and straight punch, and so on. But I don't think you need to worry about it. If you continue to train in karate, after a while you will be able to do this kata in your sleep. Have fun!

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I just noticed that you said "Kihon Kumite 1" and not "Kihon Kata 1". We don't even have a Kihon Kumite, so you are talking about something completely different. Sorry about that! My advice, such as it is, still stands, though, in terms of asking your intructor about things, because scools vary so much. I know how it feels to be so eager to learn, though. I just started a-in iaido last summer, and was so eager to learn the kata. I bought a book, that I think is a very good reference, but I was trying to use the pictures to learn the kata because I got impatient when the sensei just kept going over the first one for weeks on end. It really didn't help much in that regard, but slowly but slowly I am learning. I think developing patience is one of the things I need to work on, anyway. :)

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Hi sushi_error and still kicking,

The kihon kumite forms do exist.

Beginners usually start off with gohon kumite (five step kumite). Later on you will learn more advance kumite forms like Sanbon (3-step) and Ippon (1-step) kumite. Jiyu Ippon kumite which is the most advanced "regulated" form of kumite is usually taught last, prior to free fight/sparring.

I am training in a dojo that has numbers associated with the techiques as well, but that's somethiing your school or organisation introduced to make it easier for you to learn.

still kicking is right though, you should ask you instructor for further clarifiaction, too.

Hope that helps! Have fun!

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