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Ill tell you one of my fights if you tell me yours.

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A guy started crap with me while i was at a gas station getting smokes and when i left to walk to my car, the two guys came walking back up and started talking smack. I opened my car door only to have one of them shut it . I took three steps back , drew my glock(handgun) pointed it at the two of them and and said "police officer!" get on the ground now! They did so, called my partner and away they went to jail. i went home and played my xbox:)

The key to immorality is first living a life worth remembering

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There is only one fight I could refer to since I began training in BJJ ten years ago, as the other incidents I would categorize as self defense. This was a fight in my opinion because I started it. A few years back I went out with some friends for my birthday. The end of the night came and I was sitting in the passenger seat of my black Lincoln Navigator which was parked at the entrance of the club we had been in. I was sitting in the truck because i was waiting on my roommate to drive me home. Everyone was there were several people sitting in and standing around my truck talking when this guy walked to the front of my truck, stopped and started to writing something on the hood of my truck. I looked around and asked if anyone saw what I just saw to which I got no response as they were preoccupied(females). I got out of the truck and followed him back in walked up to him and put my arm around his waist from the side like I knew him. I asked him if he saw who was messing with that Navigator parked out front. I didn't even listen as he put arm around my shoulders(which gave me the under hook) I threw him with Harai Goshi and came crashing down on top of him. At that point I had 3 bouncers jump on top of me, with one applying a rear naked. My first thought was GET UP! I also realized the person choking me doesn't know what he's doing. So I forced my way up and as soon as I got to my feet I threw the guy on my neck with the classic Gracie hip throw standing choke defense. WHAM! The other two guys were on my left and right contradicting each others efforts( as is common with novice). I turned to my left and shoved that guy over a knee wall( bout waist high) and I was expecting the third bouncer to be on me but as I turned he was just standing there looking at me. At this point I hear one of my friends(training partner) yelling "Don't touch him! Your aggravating him!" Which was comical to me. I now have this big circle around me with plenty of space. I'm well known in this place and the first bouncer I threw comes from a rival school(nowhere near the experience level) so everyone is aware of everyone before this even starts. So now all my friends are in there explaining that they will take me outside and that no one should touch me. I was also saying I would leave as long as no one touched me. Now the manager comes up and says"Cliff will you walk outside with me?" To which I hang my head and say yes, as these guys are always very good to me and my company. We go outside we have a little heart to heart, i'm driven home and go to bed while hoping I don't throw up. Not my greatest moment I know, but it is still a cool story.

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I've been in a few scrapes, but only twice have I swung with anger and intent. Once as a child and once as an adult. I'll share the first time.

I was in sixth grade and kickball was king at my school during recess. I got up to kick and I really blasted one. I was running around the bases when this kid Josh (who I didn't really even know) sticks out his leg and trips me. We were on pavement and I was running full speed so I fell hard and tore my jeans. My knee and elbow were bleeding. I'll never know what made him do it. I had never struck anybody in my life before; but I was hurt, I knew I had been violated. I was embarrased, bleeding and my jeans were ruined. So when I got up, I cocked back and punched him in the face like it was second nature to me. He started bleeding instantly (very satisfying) which wasn't common in fights among 6th graders. The fight was over, he put his hands over his mouth and started bleeding profusely. The inside of his mouth had gotten pushed between a gap in his teeth and got stuck there, so it ripped apart from the rest of his mouth. when teachers tried to help him it only got worse. He was bleeding so much that the school called an ambulance to come take over first aid and they had to take him to the hospital. I'm not sorry at all.

Unending Love,

Amazing Grace

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