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Your Saturday class?

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I was just wanting to get some feedback on the Saturday classes that those here teach or go to.

What times do you have them? Are they mixed, or special? What times seem to be the best for you? How many students typically show up, and how big is the area you live in?

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My instructor holds 4 classes on a Saturday, from 10 until 2. 3 different coloured belt classes broken up into beginner, intermediate and advanced, and a blackbelt class. Whenever I go, I double up on the classes and do the advanced coloured belt and the blackbelt class. I don't really know how many in each but I'm guessing around the 25ish mark... its quite popular with people who can't get there during the week due to work/other commitments.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I stopped going a long time ago. We'd have 2 and both of them had a large amount of kids attending so I decided not to attend anymore - they were mixed belt classes also.

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I don't have a specific Sat. class anymore due to the rotatin schedule we're on due to my schedule.

However, when I was part of a club that did utilize them it was mainly a sparring day. Whereas other days might include sparring, it was in conjunction with drilling and skill improvement. Sat was kind of reserved for just sparring or sparring drills for warm up. Of coure, this included any kind of free fighting so you'd have guys rolling, doing mma, it was pretty wide open. More of a self dircected day.

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I use Saturday as an "Open" class from 10 - 12. I work on anything the students want to work on, in groups / one-on-one / whatever. It's a time for the students to focus on what they perceive to be their weak points.

Additionally, with certain students, it's a time where I can work on what I want to so that I can get in at least some quality work out time and not have to always focus on the teaching.

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I have 2 classes on Saturday. The first is for advanced belts* and is 90 minutes long (0830-1000). We run (2-4 miles depending on the week) and do conditioning, then spend the rest of the time tweaking curriculum. The second is a 45 minute "open class" for all ages & belts that usually has 10-16 students-mostly family members. We work on Basics, a select area of curriculum, and then open it up to whatever they chose to work on individually. I plan to add another "open class" in the future-probably competition or specialty focused.

*advanced belts are brown, red, & black and the class is mandatory for any red or black belt getting ready to test. They must attend a minimum of 6 for each testing cycle.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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At my school there are classes from 10:00 Am till 4:00 PM. Most of the time I go to the "competition" class from 1:00-2:30 and the Red+Black Belt Class from 2:30- 4:00

The Competition Class is to prepare for going to tournament in more traditional karate as opposed to XMA.

The Red+Black belt class is geared for people Red (2nd kyu) Senior Red (1st Kyu), Shodan, or Nidan. I'm allowed to come even though I'm a 5th kyu presently.

"Be Water my friend."

"The spirit of defeating a man is the same for ten million men." Miyamoto Mushahi

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My Saturday classes are "OPEN" from 10am - 2pm. I reserve 3pm - 8pm for seminars and the like, but, this time must be reserved 1 month in advance of said event. Yet, I reserve the right to deny and cancel 3pm - 8pm time-frame, providing nothings been pre-arranged, for whatever reason(s) I deem accordingly.

This "OPEN" time is for ALL students to come into the Dojo to work on anything the students desire and/or to ask me questions about whatever's on their mind; I can do either individuals and/or in groups. I also work out myself during this "OPEN" workout when time permits. My attention is geared towards the students more than to myself because I've got a key to the front door and I can workout whenever the I want before/after hours.

I usually get more Adults during my "OPEN" workouts especially when sports are in full gear. Besides, most kids on Saturday either want to watch cartoons and/or play. Also, the kids are on MOM/DAD schedule on the weekend, therefore, Saturday is family time; I highly encourage that!

I'd say that on an average, I get about 50 regulars that attend the Saturday "OPEN" workouts. Most of my students just want an informal workout, yet, I'm there to assist in anyway that I can.

I live in an area with a population of just over 393,000 in the city/Density is 2,152 per square mile/Metro population is just over 905,000 spread out over an area of just over 186 squared miles. Within my 25 miles radius of my Dojo, the population is just over 53,000 residents.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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8-9:30 - Open Kumite TrainingAbout 5-20 people.

10-12 Kobudo (Yafu, Matayoshi andYamashita mix)About 30 people

12-1:30 - Karate Do Any where from 5-20 people

and then 2-5 is Shinchuurou Te Around 5-10 people (people complain about the length).

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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