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Kind of a story =/

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Hey guys,

First of all, Im sorry for leaving without saying anything, eventhough I dont think many of you will remember me. But the reason for me to come back is this;

Yesterday, I had my first exam as a karateka. I have been training once a week for 5-6 months now. I thought I prepared myself good enough and a friend of mine (she has a black belt) helped me the whole afternoon with little things. So I was kinda positive about getting the 9th Kyu, I mean, I know all the techniques, I even know the first 2 kata's which arent a requirement for the 9th kyu. But then the exam started and I really tried the best I could, but lots of things seemed to go wrong, like punching while in zenkutsu dachi (you have to take a step, then punch, repeated for 3 times or so). I messed up the stances and well, just a lot seemed to go wrong. All those little things my friend told me not to forget, I forgot (well, except for keeping your fist as high as possible when you punch with the other one). Also, one of the sensei's did something we never had and let us do it too, just to see how we'd cope with it. I couldnt get it down.

So my sensei gave me the 10th kyu, which actually disappointed me, a lot. When I got home I was really kinda depressed, because I tried my best, but it wasnt good enough. So I slept horrible, but today I figured there are two things I can do now; either quit, or really go for it. And I decided to do the last option. So Im going to try to get 2 trainings a week (the one on monday I do now is a mixed class, white to black belt. But on wednesday its for beginners only), because my parents wont pay for the classes and I have to reschedule my guitar lessons. Also, I am coming back here, for advice and learning, and hopefully this time I can really add something to the community. And as a third, I am going to go and work on my condition more.

So yeah, thanks for reading the big amount of -kinda emo, but w/e- text. Hope to see you guys around,


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Sorry to here that Shiv. Its good that you are sticking at it. Think of it this way, if your Sensei did not award you 9th kyu this time, when you are awarded it you know it'll really mean something and that you worked hard for it. It wont be your Sensei giving it to you just because you paid the testing fee. Keep at it! :karate:

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I realize you'd trained for half a year, Shiv, but going once a week, which happened to me all summer and sometimes again since, isn't as advantageous as twice steadily. I try to go twice a week when the dojang schedule permits (and twice I'm with my sons, but I'm helping, not training), and of course I've found that it's not equal to the three times that others do. That's life.

Going twice steadily and supplementing with home practice should be a boost.

Good luck with your training.


~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Joe is right; the more you go, the better, especially early on in your career. There is so much to learn and get used to, that it can be kind of overwhelming. Going 2 times a week should provide a noticible difference.

I am also glad to hear that you are sticking with it. Quitting is the easy thing to do; so congrats! :karate:

Believe it or not, this kind of thing happens to a lot of us, so just stick with it, and things will get better.

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Glad to hear you're sticking it out. That kind of thing is way more important for future tests than nailing movements.

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And remember to train daily at home if you can only do it only 1 hour a day, but try for two. The more repetition the more you will be able to retain mentally.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Thanks again for the replies guys.

Traymond, I think you mean training Kihon and Kata? Or do you mean like pushups and situps etc.?

Im going to do the 100 pushups plan, and I will try to practice Kihon and Kata at home 2.

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Why don't you try to bargain with your parents in helping you with the 2nd class. Offer to do something around the house... Training twice a week is very important, you already know that. Congratulations on setting a goal and sticking too it.

Live life, train hard, but laugh often.

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