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Found...one hit, one kill...

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Hey guys, I found this on youtube, and even though it isn't what I was talkinga bout in the other forum topic where this was mentioned, I thought I would put it out there for you anyways...especially for Bushido-man since he asked about hard data on the subject...



Using no Way, AS Way...

Using no Limitation, AS Limitation

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Aha... Hard data... So I'm to understand that this guy doing his little hammer fist punch can hit a chest SO hard that it will stop someone's heart? And what of the century or more of boxers in the world. You're telling me this guy can hit harder than a giant man like Tyson, or any skilled boxer for that matter, and that Tyson never once delivered a shot to someone's chest? You're telling me that Bas Rutten can't kick harder than this guy doing his hammer fist, or that Bas has never kicked someone in the chest?

The stuff about the nerves was interesting, I wish they would have talked about that more, it sounds a little more feasible. I'll believe the death strike when I see it kill someone. Until then, I'd say a sledge hammer stroke is the best way to achieve a one hit, one kill.

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Aha... Hard data... So I'm to understand that this guy doing his little hammer fist punch can hit a chest SO hard that it will stop someone's heart? And what of the century or more of boxers in the world. You're telling me this guy can hit harder than a giant man like Tyson, or any skilled boxer for that matter, and that Tyson never once delivered a shot to someone's chest? You're telling me that Bas Rutten can't kick harder than this guy doing his hammer fist, or that Bas has never kicked someone in the chest?

The stuff about the nerves was interesting, I wish they would have talked about that more, it sounds a little more feasible. I'll believe the death strike when I see it kill someone. Until then, I'd say a sledge hammer stroke is the best way to achieve a one hit, one kill.

It's not just about all that. Mike Tyson punches very differently and wore protective gloves when he fights. To deliver the force to stop the heart with that technique, it needs to be done a very specific way. Same thing with the kicks.

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Hmmmm....I just thought of a funny thought....that has little to no relevance....

Whose the witness to this.

If two guys are fighting and one guy kills a guy with one hit...and no one else is their....whose the witness...lol...oh well there was my sillyness.

I dont believe in the one hit one kill concept as of now...especially in this time and era. We do not HAVE to survive against a katana so we dont have to hit someone one time and kill them. We have two friends...Smith and Wesson for that now.

But I do think that it could be possible in the feudal times of other countries yes such as Japan and Okinawa. Because they were stripped of their weapons, and they probably could not weild a bo as well as they could wield their hands, so I think their might possible be a one hit one kill technique out their.

I mean look at Kiyohide Shinjo he can be 3-5 inches of pine with his thumb, cant he collapse someones windpipe with that thumb as well.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Yeah, not really buying it. I agree, I'd have like to hear more about the physiological effects on hard trauma to the nerves, but the intro voice over made it difficult to settle in and take any of it seriously.

As to stopping the heart with a strike, look at all the people who hit their chests on steering wheel colums every year in auto accidents, few of them are dropping dead due to a coronary incident other than those predesposed to it from an exsisting condition. If two cars hitting each other aren't doing it, I'm sure not with a hammer fist.

As far as people shoving appendages thru boards, yes, it's impressive. And one would think that force like that could do serious truama. And I'm sure it can. But remember that the soft tissue of the body gives as it absorbes force. Unlike wood which has no where to go, soft tissue will move about. That's not to say it won't be injured, it just means that things with out a sharp force mulitplier (ie. knives, pens and such) are hard to shove thru soft tissue.

Also, that pine isn't moving. In conflict, movement is paramount and thus that kind of focued striking power is less spectacualar. Again, impressive but it might not speak to killing ability with a single movement.

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Very Scientifically Profound Tallgeese just as all of your posts seem to be, they keep me in awe as I read them.

So I throw another "argument in your path to decimate"

Some people say that the coconut is in the same density and mass as a human skull, and that it can be smashed to pieces with a knife hand or a hammer fist, wouldn't that cause enough blunt force trauma to the head area to kill someone?

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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I have heard that a blow to the top of the head could cause some serious damage, but I don't know for sure.

I have seen the Fight Science show. I was excited to see it, but when I did see it, was very disappointed in it. There still isn't much to go on to prove the worth of the "dim mak" techniques.

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I guess my answer to that would be "maybe". Yeah, I know, real commited isn't it :) . Lot's of guys get pounded on pretty good in mma comps while there head is positioned on the ground and a superiorly positioned opponant throws down shots. I rarely see anyone injured long term from this, but it does tend to be a fight ender.

Ths blow to the top of the head can be very dangerous. It's called an axiel load and it's the reason most football players with head injuries are taken from the field on stretchers and spearing is illegal in the high school version of the sport. It consist of force transmitted from a blow to the top of the head down to the spinal column. This is where you get neck fractures from in this sport. However, I haven't heard of similar problems in the mma arena, which is where you would expect to find them. Might be worth looking into.

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Tooo Smart. Haha. Too Smart, I have no further "arguments" haha. But I will not intend on finding out how the one hit one kill works in regards to the head...I will let some one else figure that one out...haha.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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