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Wearing Gi outside of Dojo?

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Any Chief Instructor has it made. How's that? Well, I keep my entire Gi inside my office. I don't allow any of my students to wear their Gi's outside of the Dojo, it's an automatic suspension. How will I ever know that their wearing their Gi outside of the Dojo? Fair question. I won't and that's fine because what I don't know doesn't bother me nor do I think about it.

Martial Arts is suppose to be private, therefore, don't advertise whatsoever; wearing a Gi outside of the Dojo is advertising.

Kids are kids and they'll do it every once in a while, but, again, kids are kids. I'll just gently remind them that they shouldn't and why they shoudn't...but...they're just kids and alot of the time....these kids are just so darn proud of themselves that the wearing of a Gi outside for them is so cool.

For my students though, there's no ambiquity whatsoever on the rules the govern the wearing of the Gi outside of the Dojo. If I saw a student of mine inside of a grocery store in full Gi while shopping I'd say, "Nice Gi! Enjoy your suspension!" Then I'd excuse myself and be on my way.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I'll wear my pants on my way from the Dojo. I don't wear the top though. The rule at our dojo is to never wear your obi/belt outside of the Dojo. As a matter of fact I have on gi pants right now. Its a pair I bought separate and they are very comfortable (not a part of my uniform).

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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When I train with my boys on Mondays and Wednesdays, we leave the dojang and immediately go to McDonald's, something our teacher knows we do. I've seen kids wearing their dobaks there now-and-then for I don't know how long, and my sons wear theirs as well.

Since I aid in my children's lessons, I wear my dobak with them. I don't see other adults wearing their uniforms, but I don't wait for others to do something to give me the go-ahead to do it as well. If anything, customers smile or are just used to us; the cashiers all know us and have no problem.

Sometimes our dobaks have struck up conversations, all of which have been pleasant.

On Thursdays and Fridays, I have my own lessons. I go straight home without changing, meaning that I'm seen wearing my dobak during the summer, going to my car, and in the winter, it's just the pants that can be seen due to the coat.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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honestly, if I could I'd wear a gi 24 7 365. It's so comfortable! heh heh, I don't though. I only wear it in class just like most of you guys. I've seen people in our club who got kidnapped and brought to a restaurant after training and had to wear a gi top because they didn't have a shirt with them, but it's not like they wore a belt with it. usually they act all awkward too. It's funny. If they wore it around intentionally that would be weird though.

I think I mostly get upset when people do one of 2 things with their gi:

1. wear it as a costume for Halloween or something

2. come to class wearing just pants, no shirt and their belt over their pants. Mostly this bothers me because we have a fairly traditional dojo, and it's very distracting for one random student to be half naked. I hate sparing with them and throwing them because it's so much easier to accidentally give them brush burns or cuts from friction. This is not to mention that it tends to be either the hairy sweaty guys or the scrawny pasty ones that want to prance around topless ...bleh.

"My work itself is my best signature."

-Kawai Kanjiro

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My sensei wouldn't permit children to change clothes at the various locations we called a dojo (we're a non-profit organization).

Because he dealt with "troubled" youth, Sensei always insisted that everybody come to class fully uniformed. He didn't wanted to have to put up with teen boys trying to peeks at teen girls changing, or any accusations of being inappropriate.

Green Belt, Chito-Ryu

Level II, US Army Combatives


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We requier that students (and the Leadership team) change before and after class and that the gi/uniform is folded a specific way. This is done primarily to keep the gi clean. In my Sr. Instructor's eyes and my own, a student with a big chocolate icecream stain on his nice white gi screams of a lax attitude within the school and is a poor reflection on the student as well as the instructor.

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.


There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

~Alexander the Great

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It just looks silly to me. For one, we get extremely sweaty in our gi. I would not want to wear that heavy sweaty thing around. It's just gross. I see kids wearing them all the time. I just figure that the parents didn't have time to change them into other clothes before doing their chores.

To me, it looks no more ridiculous than all the Tap Out gear everyone is wearing nowadays.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Now that is truely a pet peeve of mine. Right up there with the dudes with "Full Contact Fighter" platered to their car who've never stepped on a mat.

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