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Importance of Tournament Sparring

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I have been told by several people that I should enter a few tournaments because they are a very good experience as far as learning to use what I've learned in class. I think it would be a lot of fun but I disagree with them for the most part. In tournaments you are very limited on what moves you can use and I think it can "train your mind" or get you used to using only a few moves in a combat situation. Of course it would be great experience for the moves that you can use but I just don't see the importance of tournament sparring as far as using what I've learned in class. Agree?.........Disagree?


I am mainly referring to TKD tournaments but if anybody thinks this should be moved to General.........be my guest.

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I think doing tournaments is the best way to experience the effects of Adrenaline which you feel in a real life confrontation. It definately helps prepare you and not mistake adrenaline for fear.


But yeah I agree tournament fighting isn't street fighting though hopefully it is as close as i'll ever get.


Bretty :wink:

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I believe sparring in general is important. But does it have to be in tournaments, not necessarily. Sparring helps in development of your techniques, timing and distance. Sure when you spar you can't use all that you've leaned in class, especially in tournaments, but you can certainly work with a partner otherwise and try to execute whatever technique you want to in a very controlled manner.




Mind of Mencia

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I personally am not a fan of tournaments although I love to go to them and meet other martial artists.


IMO it can go both ways. You can get a lot out of them. As far as excitement and the expierance that goes with it. However in the end it is a controled fight with limited moves as you pointed out. So the fastest figher usually wins not necessarly the best fighter. There is no reward for having a good jaw in it lol. However the expierance is usually a fun one.


I say go to as many as you can they are fun to be at. Pack a lunch oh they last all day. If you compete take it with a grain of salt. Its nice to win but it is far from a real fight. You will be amzed to see the quality of other people.



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I sparred at my test on saturday. I noticed that I needed to work on a few things. Definiely work on combos, for me, anyways. Sparring does help with distance, control, speed, and combos. You can work on some techniques while sparring that will be "realistic". Like mid-level kicks, punching. blocking, speed, ect.


Sparring also helped me with my fear of getting hit. I used to "run" (back-up) in sparring. But now I know how it feels to get hit. Yes, it can hurt, but it doesn't take me by suprise anymore. I get kicked, punched, ect. now, but I just keep goin at them (my partners) now. It's actually fun :grin: Ut oh, I turned into a sparring junky eeekkkk LOL.



Laurie F

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I compete in tournaments as often as I can. It's good to fight against people you've never fought before and pick out any weaknesses in your own game. IMO, the person who comes away from a tournament 'losing' has a won a lot more if they can turn the loss into trainig harder and working on their weaknesses. After doing that, they go into another tournament and test what they have been training on, if all is okay, find more weaknesses to work on. It's continous.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Bon has half of my reply. I hate most "point sparring" rules. However, it does give you the opportunity to fight people outside your regular class.


My preferance are the Open tourneyments. That way you even spar against other styles/systems. That's a really good learning experience. :up:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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I kind of like entering into tournaments because it's more practice and you can find out if all that training you do pays off and you can use your fighting skills in the match. But I would rather spar with someone rather then go to a tournament.

when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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I love tournaments, it's a place to see what works and what doesn't, a place you can improve your techniques, and even meet some future training partners. I myself compete in Muay Thai and MMA tournaments; 2-0 in Muay Thai & 6-2 in MMA! Edited by Thai_Kick

Limits Are Not Accepted. They Are Elbowed, Kicked And Punched.

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