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Wanted: Names of Katas


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Thought this best wrote as a help wanted ad :D.

We have a few katas that are school has been teaching since I joined ten years ago, but the names seem, wrong. They are not spoke of on the internet or in books and makes me wonder if someone got confused along the ways.

The first in Gojushiho Dai Ni. We also teach Gojushiho, which is preformed as a typical Shorin Ryu Gojushiho. There are some minor difference in the Shotokan version, but it is clearly the standard kata. Now, Dai Ni on the other hand. It features few sequences where you punch Jodan (high), Chudan (middle), and then Geidan (low). After the Geidan punch you grab the back of the leg and Teisho (palm strike) Geidan again.

There is a part where you punch high middle low, step back to neko ashi dachi (cat stance) and make and "X" with your hands then you step forward punch high middle low, grab the leg, palm strike, then you shuffle back to neko ashi dachi and use an augmented back fist followed by a punch with the same hand.

I know this is very hard to picture, but if anyone thinks they might know something even remotely similar please let me know so I can improve my search. I intend on filming our katas while I am on break so that I wont have to describe them, but for now this is all I can do.

Second Kata: Hakatsuru

We teach a kata called Hakatsuru (Crane). It looks similar to:

Our version is slightly shorter, but clearly related and ends with Downward augmented bird peck, that - as the story goes - requires you to make a bird noise instead of a Kiah

I am told that Yamashita Sensei taught this kata in the way we do it, is it possible this is a variation or someone forgot something when they tried to pass it on?

Again any information is appreciated.


Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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With the "Ni" at the end of Gojushiho Dai Ni most likely means Gojushiho Dai #2, so perhaps this is a variation on the original Gojushiho Dai which is why you have those additional moves.

Sorry I can't be more help.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Confucius


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Well let me add to this. It does translate Gojushiho #2.

BUT - There is absolutely no resemblance to the original. No moves the even look related, the pattern the moves make is entirely different.

Thank you for the input though.

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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Perhaps your instructor added to it what he thought would be better...just a thought in my opinion.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Again thank you for the thoughts. After searching around more and more points to the idea that Yamashita Sensei created this kata but I would still like proof one way or the other.

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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Well my sensei, at my dojo, has no idea. He told me that Yamashita Sensei taught him and it was part of the style.

After joining Nakazato Sensei's style (Yamashita's teacher) we were told it is not part of the curriculum. Because my dojo instructor had such a bad falling out with Yamashita Sensei...it is rather difficult to ask lol.

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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Well in that case it sounds like that because of the falling out it seems that the styles went two differant ways, so like Shito Ryu and Shito Kai the styles are similar but differant as well. With Bunkai and technique.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Kata is like music, you can perform Bach's Prelude from the 1st Cello Suite in many different arrangements and variations - but it retains the same name...

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