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GTA-3 Controversy


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It's mind posion & has a corrossive effect.


My boy will not be playin it till he's livin on his own & by then I'd like to think he'd be above wasting time on mindless brain crack video games. :karate:

The reason it's fun is because you can do stuff without really hurting anyone. I mean think about being able to drive around the city doing whatever you'd like. That's what's so fun about it. The difference is that there are other games that can do that, unofrtunatley they're all like dungeons and dragons ans wizard stuff.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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If I had any kids I wouldn't allow them to play this game because it is too violent and is just not suited for children. However, for adults the game is fine. Yes it is violent but that is what makes it fun. After all it is just a game.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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I don't even remember hearing 7 discs worth of songs in Vice City...

They relesed 7 disc of soundtracks for it, you know to get money.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I don't even remember hearing 7 discs worth of songs in Vice City...

They relesed 7 disc of soundtracks for it, you know to get money.

Well... yeah... I'm just wondering what they filled it with.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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prepare for a bit of a rant :


back to the original discussion topic which really was to generate discussion about censorship.


My personal views on censorship are that censorship should be in the hands of the individual and not the government. I believe my right to choose is an extremely important concept of freedom in a society that claims to be all for freedom but acts everything but. I do, however, believe in warnings - after all if I am not in the mood for watching excessive violence then I'll know what not to get.


As someone pointed out earlier, when a child is below the age of being able to work - the providers, who are the parents or guardians, have choice of what the child consumes, unless you're giving an allowance and hence giving them the choice over what to save their money for and buy: you're saying you're old enough now to choose what you want to buy. So why punish them for making a choice you don't recommend? can you say dictatorship?


There will always be people arguing for direct cause and effect theories saying that monkey see, monkey do. I know my own difference of right and wrong, as a kid i knew the difference of right and wrong. My favourite type of movie is a horror movie. From watching violent movies I never blew up a building, assassinated, murdered, or maimed anyone.


What i've found from my own research (I studied this at Uni) was that those calling for censorship, or those who were actually the censors themselves failed to comprehend what was happening, or the context in which they were watching something.


I think the main reason why GTA got this attention was that the person that got killed was a prostitute. This, to someone who hasn't seen it, implies sexual violence. How many games though can you think of where you can disperse friendly fire on people who are on your side? I was playing Halo on the Xbox once and i shot some guy on my own side till he died by accident - but I could've chosen to continuously shoot him deliberately had I wanted to, did this get attention for that? No.


What about the 6 O'clock news beaming into every home across the globe showing scenes of violent wars and the like... should we ban this? the sad reality is this is avoidance and not resolution. You're not educating any child by covering their eyes and ears and locking them up in a prison of deceit. Violence, poverty, famine, etc etc are what goes on in this harsh world every day, I would prefer people educated than people hidden from the truth. How are we ever to solve these problems if all we do is avoid them at every turn and try and convince ourselves with our nice meals, comfortable beds, time consuming internet, that if we use trickery on our children and ourselves these problems will just solve themselves.


It's funny that people have brought the rap culture into this arguement, I was actually thinking about this recently and rap is one of the most misrepresented cultures in the world. Most of what we all know of rap is a record company creation cashing in on image and sexual oppression. Though what real rap is, is poetry fighting against oppression (well not all I guess some is about feeling good and partying hard). Like any other style of music, it's not for everyone - but being someone that gets into many styles of music I appreciate great hip hop like Public Enemy.

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