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GTA-3 Controversy


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I am a teacher as well and I don't like to see the rap influence. However mom and dad have to buy that stuff for their kids. Its one thing to listen to the music but its another to buy them stuff that goes along with it. Sure HS kids got a bit more freedom to buy what they want but if Mom and Dad had done their part the first 15 years they would buy the right thing.


BTW how real is a video game that allows you to steal any car you want by walking up to it. Thi is not war games at Fort Bragg. Its a video game you put into a machine and control with a joy stick. If you can't tell the differance in that and real life well you got problems the game did not cause.....



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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The game isn't for kids that's for sure.


I mean you can beat someone to death with a baseball bat, and continue to hit the lifeless body on the ground.


With a first adventure with the title "Smack the ***** Up" what do you expect.


Says alot about what society has become.

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as one of the GTA3 makers said if you are mad enough to want to go on killing runs, jack cars and go with pros. buy the game then you can do it as much as you like.


im an avid listener of Gangsta Rap i own everything from way back to NWA, when i was going up every kid i hung around with wanted to be a "gangsta" from listening to rap its the main reason all of my mates smoke canabis, my parents also says it drives them mad and can understand why todays kids are so crazy :grin:


Music.. reality..Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference


But we as entertainers.. have a responsibilityto these kids.. psyche! - D12



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Thanks. :wink:


Well, I listen to Rap mostly, I listen to other stuff, but a lot of rap. I like anything from P. Diddy and Bad Boy mostly and Diddy serves as an inspiration for me on a lot of levels, he's not a perfect guy, and he has done a few not cool things, but overall, I like him.


G95, buying rap is not buying the wrong thing. Everyone has different tastes in music and what the music says and speaks of.



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Yes. I have heard that one before.


However, Rap is a form of music just like any other.


I thought of another one:


You can't spell crock without rock. :wink:


BTW, I own RockForums.com (domain name), planning to create another site! :smile: I also own RapForums.com!


Coincidence huh?


I like lots of stuff. :smile:



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Patrick did not maen rap as the wrong thing as much as items that go with it. Durg related things. The same can be said for heavy metal and the devil and country and beer. Was not dishing rap by any means. As much as the mommy and daddy buying a kid a t shirt that has a pot plant on it or whatever.




(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."


[ This Message was edited by: G95champ on 2002-07-03 00:17 ]

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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it seems to me that it all depends on wether or not the topic of a games offends you.


if a video game was produced about a group of terrorists doing random bombings and escaping justice how would most people react.


or if a game was made about wiping out terrorists around the globe, or a game about slaughtering all non whites...


each person decides for him/herself what they find wrong....if you dont like the games a company is producing do something productive about it



Honor is the most important thing a man has once you lose it it is gone forever

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