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So why did you start training - what keeps you going?

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I'm always interested to know how other people got started with their training - and what keeps them coming back for more.

For me, when I was a kid, I lived in the back-end of no-where, with very little to do, other than the local karate club. It was a no-brainer. As soon as I was old enough, I nagged my parents until they let me go.

There was something about the idea of it - it seemed mystical, like I would learn secret techniques and gain special powers (remember I was very young at this point!). I was in total awe of the black belts there, and the first few years were blissful, if massively difficult.

I kept it up until University where, being a poor student miles away from home, I lost interest, or more importantly, I forgot what it was I so much enjoyed about karate.

Then about five years ago, I found a local club, and started all over again. What keeps me going now is the endeavour, the reward for hard work, the satisfaction I get in improving - if only minutely - and the (this will sound completely corny) stress release I get from it all.

So what about you?!

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I started because, and I hate to admit this, I wanted to learn to fight well. Now, I continue (and I'm even more embarassed to admit this), to keep learning to fight well. I'm just a bit more focused now.

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I've returned to martial arts through its beneficial effect on my autistic twin sons, age seven, deciding to give it a go myself, first to help them, and then to consider what help it gave me. It's also been a wake-up call that, since I don't do weights any longer, I need (now that I'm in my fifties) an edge in case I need to defend myself.

Edited by joesteph

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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My dad took me to his class when I was around 4. I only went a few times, but of all my childhood memories, it is one that sticks out the most.

After first grade, we moved, and I didn't pick up TKD until I was in the 8th grade. Its been my thing ever since.

I guess I would say that now I am kind of like tallgeese was; I would like to be able to handle myself well in a fight. Since I am not always so sure, I make sure that I keep going back, so that I can keep getting better.

My family has always understood and supported me in my MA endeavors, too. My dad got me interested, and my mom and my brothers got into it for a while, too. So we have all had experience in it, but I feel proud that I have been the one to continue on. I'll keep on, too, and I hope to get my son into it as well. I hope it can be a thing we do together.

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When I was a child (and not so child too) I was the typical thin nerd in the class, no sport and such. At 10 or so a Karate gym opened nearby, but my parents didn't let me in (just one son, so overprotective) although I thought it would be nice (not "just" for self-defence). Now, 15 years later I have really taken the chance (for the discipline, the exercise, the coordination, and also if it comes the moment, the self-defence). And of course, I love it, who would not?

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I've always been interested in martial arts since I was a young kid but never did anything about it other than watch movies. I was the little kid that was bullied when I was in school, so I always had these scenario's in my head that someday I'd stand up to those idiots. LOL. Also was a crime victim a couple times and from then on I knew I wanted to learn how to defend myself.

Fast forward to my adult years & did a complete 360 in my confidence & attitude. I'd been weight training for years and one day got an injury that kept me out of the gym for a long time. In the meanwhile I stumbled across an m.a. school and decided to check it out. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for in a school, however, it suited my needs at the time and I stuck with it for years. Competed in tournaments many times, which I've discovered I actually REALLY LOVE doing. Reached second dan a while ago and although I don't train as often as I use to (for many reasons) I still enjoy it and as does my spouse who is also a martial artist. We hope to learn a couple other styles too, eventually, before we become too old. :D :P

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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Well I always wanted to ma when I was a kid but both of my parents worked and at the time we had know ma near where I lived (1 school) that was excepting new students.

It was not until I got married that it peaked my interest again.

My husband and I signed up our son at a local academy for a summer lesson and end up taking him to the local ymca in the fall where they had a instructor that taught shotokan and tangsoo do there. I sat there and was watching him and thought boy would I love to be doing that. Well myself and my husband signed up 2 weeks later. And have been doing it for 3 years. My husband was awarded his Black Belt last February and I currently hold the rank of Brown Belt. I love training when I miss a class I feel like I cheated on a diet and I feel really bummed about it.

What keeps me going is the benefits of ma, like the confidence, fitness, self defense to name a few. I plan to keep training to I can not physically train know more.

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For me it was a number of reasons. One of the main ones was fitness and losing weight. As a kid I had done quite a bit of sport (swimming, tennis and netball) but none of them were things I really really enjoyed. To be honest I was a bit overweight as a kid so when I stopped doing these sports I needed to find something else to do. I also got bullied at one point and was a shy kid anyway so it was also a confidence thing. I don't remember ever asking my parents if I could do MA but I used to watch all the old Bruce Lee films and lots of Jackie Chan stuff so I guess they kinda figured out that I'd be interested in it. Anyway I remember driving past the local community college and my Dad asking if I wanted to start Taekwon-Do. I said yes because it was apparently like Karate and it sounded foreign enough for a 10 year old. Loved it since the first session and haven't stopped since. My younger sister actually used to make fun of me when I practiced and didn't seem at all interested in joining. My parents wanted her to at least try it but it was nearly 2 years before they finally got her through the door. She hasn't stopped either and loves it (although she doesn't seem to be as obsessed as I am :P ).

What keeps me going is the self discipline involved in learning new things and constantly improving what I've learnt so far.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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