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When a student is not all that they appear to be

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I had a feeling this was the case. :D

Anyway, all is well, then. She sounds like she's going to be a great student to have. :)

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She's a black belt in Taekwondo.

I didn't mention it to her at training tonight but she came across and apologised for losing her temper last week and seemed pretty embarrassed and upset that she had reacted violently. I told her I was more impressed with the kick then anything else! :oops: She then admitted that she hadn't been 100% straight with me and that she was actually a black belt in Taekwondo.

She never actually lied though, she said she'd dabbled in karate but never actually said she hadn't trained in anything else (she was keen to point this out to me). Reason she didn't want me to know is that she tried another karate school before she came to me and everything she did was met with "just because you did that in Taekwondo..." or "you might be a high rank in Taewondo but in karate you're...." etc etc :(

So, there is the conclusion. She can stop pretending now at least, I assured her that the revelation won't make a difference, she'll still get press-ups if she slacks off :lol: She's happy with that lol

Its good that she came clean. I can see why she wouldn't have wanted to make a production of it before; kind of like coming to you with her cup empty. Its good in a way, but I think it could have been handled differently. But, no harm, no foul, I guess.

Welcome to KF! :karate:

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Sorry, not cool in my eyes, as she failed to disclose her full ma training background / abilities to you and thats naughty.

Also, not too good on your part either ReadyAndFocussed. Personally I would spot anyone who has had any form of serious ma training a country mile away if they trained in my dojo, and if they were a dan grade it would have been very apparent imo.

You also mention in your first post that your suspicions were aroused when she counted / spoke in Japanese, and yet it turns out she is actually a dan grade in Korean TKD. :-? Hmm!

Are you having us on ReadyAndFocussed?

"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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Sorry, not cool in my eyes, as she failed to disclose her full ma training background / abilities to you and thats naughty.

Also, not too good on your part either ReadyAndFocussed. Personally I would spot anyone who has had any form of serious ma training a country mile away if they trained in my dojo, and if they were a dan grade it would have been very apparent imo.

You also mention in your first post that your suspicions were aroused when she counted / spoke in Japanese, and yet it turns out she is actually a dan grade in Korean TKD. :-? Hmm!

Are you having us on ReadyAndFocussed?

Why is that naughty? That's similar to the lying for protection thread. If people don't know your actual ability it makes you more dangerous.

If the student purposefully demonstrated sloppy technique, (which I got form the original post), then is it truly bad on Focussed's part? Just as we can demonstrate skill can't we be able to demonstrate a lack of skill? Deception is quite the tool in today's world.

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Love the story.....I don't think she meant to be disrespectful at all. Trust is important and I certainly don't insist my students reveal their experience until I earn it-I respect their choice. It is another story if they have ulterior motives though...one has to be vigilant.

I had a similar experience with gentleman who came in asking to just work out with us while he was in town. He gave me a brief history of his lineage and instructor and showed up for class in a white belt. He learned our techniques and forms,worked out hard, and handed me a business card after class so we could keep in touch....turns out he was a Master Instructor!


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Could it have been apprached better, yeah probibly. Still, no harm no foul. Some people work under different rules of ettiquette and such.

As for the language, who knows. Might be a perfectly good explination.

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I guess some of you guys work to a different value system to me.

Deception may have its place when used in a SD situation Truestar, but I struggle to see the connection here.

The language thing doesn't sit well with me tallgeese (as you can see), I just cant see why a TKD person would be conversant in Japanese Karate terms. And yet claim they have NO karate experience.

"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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I agree, odd. Hard to tell really. Probibly wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, that's all. I might ask a few more questions...

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My main concern would be if it was someone who wanted to show up to class in a white belt to try to push around some of my students. If this was not their intent, then I don't mind so much that they withheld information. However, I might inquire as to why they felt like they could not share the information forthright.

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The Japanese/TKD thing is a bit weird but to be honest, I study TKD and have never done a Japanese style yet I can pick up terminoloy from being on the forums.. Or she could just have had an instructor that had a Japanese background and preferred to use that terminology.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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