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how do you become a ninja??

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I read over that, and I guess I said it a bit too harshly, although it had the desired effect on G95 (yeah, run little man, they're comin' for you! :karate: ).




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wow thats kinda scary now. im not to sure about ninjas now. but thanks for all the info. my sempei said something about ninjas never really exsisting and being made up by the shogan to scar the peasants ****less. i dont believe him.



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Haha, try telling Oda Nobunaga that ninja aren't real. Oh wait, you can't tell him, because he was killed by one! How could I forget?


Basically, samurai were generally a-holes. So the peasants decided that they weren't going to take anymore crap from them. So the farmers would dress in dark clothing and go out at night to sabatoge whatever the samurai were doing, or just steal their stuff and whup them. As government corruption began to become a real problem, ninja formed in secret groups, not unlike organized crime, but more of a Robin Hood thing. As it went along, these groups began to take power and overthrow the shogunates. As the shogunates fell apart and the samurai class was broken up in the late 1800s, the ninja turned to mercenary work. They basically worked against crime lords, tyrants, and such, but soon began working for anyone. Clans formed, training became formal and honor-bound, and to hide their activities from the public and government, they became secretive. That's how it is today. There are, of course, not as many clans, and they are not as active, but they are probably there to this day. If I knew for sure, I'd probably be dead right now. Gotta love ninja. Cheerful chaps, eh?




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- "If you attempted to claim you were a ninja, a real clan, usually affiliated with the Yakuza, would send a real ninja to hunt you down. Oh, did I mention kill you? "


OK, so why has no-one assassinated Ashida Kim yet? Could it be that, ahem.. he's really everthing he claims to be?



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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To all you morons out there. I have one thing to say: You can't fight what you can't see!


Out of respect to the younger viewers and to the nice people who put up this website, I will refrain from chewing you out, or cussing at you. But I will state the following factual things. So XPoison Freex, you can make your own judgements.


The Bujikan style is great. Grandmaster Dr. Masaaski Hatsumi is a cool guy and is fantastic teacher! This style is based from the Iga-ryu ninjitsu from the Iga province in southern Japan.


Ninja's and Kinochi's(female ninjas) and Shinobi's are one and the same. Most people can become a ninja. Being ninja does NOT mean that you have to kill someone! Ninja skills include but not limited to theivery, medical skills(surgeons,paramedics,nursing, etc.), espionage(spying), as well as training groups in which to overthrow their gov'ts. when deemed neseccary.


Many groups/orgizations such as the CIA, DEA, NSA, and even our own military has ninjas. They are known as special forces(Recon Blue, Seals, Delta Force, Etc.)


Yes, the Yakuza has been known to use individuals with ninja skills. But as a ninja we do piece work.


We do our job in silence, report back to our "boss", and go back to living our normal lives.


To Taikubo-do: Making such a threat or even mentioning the fact that someone hasn't tried to kill my Grandmaster is foolish. And even could get you seriously hurt. This not a threat, nor a challenge. It is a WARNING!!! Watch your tongue. For people have been humbled many times before in the past from such foolish statements.


Who am I really?


I am a Ninja. I heal when neseccary, harm when put in a defensive postion. And I will kill if I have no other option. My skills are unqiue in that I combine Monkey Kung-Fu, Muay Thai, and Koga-ryu ninjitsu, in my style.


I would rather teach you all, then to fight with you. For I am a peaceful warrior. And I will die peacefully regardless of what I have done in my life. For my body is a deadly weapon. But my spirit is free, and I love to play and swing in the trees.


Still need proof? Check this out:


Here are my certs. and rankings:


3rd Dg. Blackbelt Black Dragon Ninjitsu


2nd Dg. Nin Tai Vate Jitsu


Certified in Tai Chi Ch'uan


Captain in Black Dragon Fighting Society


A member of the Black Dragon Ninja Society


Staff Seargent in the Black Berets Paramilitary Unit.


To Poison,


If you really want to learn, e-mail me. And I will have an agent contact you for seminars, books, videos, and possible hands on training.


Live free, Die Well



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Ahem... I made no such threat... I was pointing out that if all ninja were yakuza employees who would hunt down and kill anyone claiming publically to be a ninja master (as someone posted), how could there be so many people publically claiming to be ninjas and ninja masters...


You can't have both...


Please reread my post before jumping to conclusions like that I'm threatening to make a personal assassination attempt myself. :???:


If you still find some insult, by all means send the black dragon society to teach me a lesson... sheesh. :uhoh:


BTW Is this the same Black Dragon Society founded by Count Dante? Wasn't he a karateka?



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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BTW If you want to target people who have been "unkind" to Ashida Kim, try:








They are ALL a LOT less flattering than I could have been, and all posted with real names and identities too. Should make the Black Dragon's job easier...


Hehe I'm really looking forward to being set upon by the black clad ninjas lurking around every corner... what great stories I'll be able to tell. (assuming I emerge victorious of course...)



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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i dont see why you had to make cheap stabs at what she was saying Taikudo-ka. she did nothin to hurt or anoy you. so please keep this post friendly.


ps thanks for the email monkeyninja



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There was something that seemed to be directed straight at me, but I'm not really interested in discussing it any further online.


Enough has already been said by enough people. Further words are pointless.




Meanwhile, lets get this back somewhere vaguely close to on topic.


Now where were we. Oh yeah..."Ninjas are totally sweet. Ninjas will flip out and wail on their guitar because they are so totally sweet".


:smile: (see ninja postings under humor if this makes you go :???:)

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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