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Independent assoc./org.?


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Ok, here goes. I have a nidan in shito ryu and shodan ranking in goju ryu and kakutogi(chokushin) and I'm instructor certified in muay thai. I have a decent competition background starting out as a kid to teen under USANKF/WKF kind of rules than progressing to Muay Thai and Sabaki/Kyokushin rules(meaning I only competed in "full contact" rules for the last decade). I even have had a couple fighters under me for muay thai competition.

My "problem" is that I set a goal many years ago to get to Yodan(4th dan). The problem is this...it's hard, near impossible for me to go "back" to point sparring from a MuayThai/kickboxing/knockdown kumite background. I feel very restricted under those kind of rules when it comes to kumite, as well. However, I have respect for it but it's just not for me, anymore.

I'm not looking to join some questionable black belt association somewhere because I can do that by going to any internet search in a matter of minutes. What I'm getting at is, I'd like to join some type of "martial arts" or "karate", "budo", association that has some knowledgable high ranking instructors that allow people of other styles with mixed backgrounds like myself that also promote in rank. I plan on having my own Dojo/Gym in a few years or so and am already qualified to do so in Muay Thai but to me Muay Thai is a young person's sport..not really something you can do as much when you're older.

I've already been approached by some of my BJJ instructor friends to partner with them opening up a school and I just feel more professional if I could test with some reputable person/association for Sandan and eventually Yodan. I have no problem with a style name given to what I do but I don't feel comfortable or qualified in naming this style myself. I'm no Kenwa Mabuni, Mas Oyama, Morihei Ueshiba, Kano, etc.

Does anybody here have any similar experience joining an independent association/org. that can meet these kind of demands? I can find a few online but I question some of them and wonder which ones are good?

I have taught on my own for years at a few different schools but was never the owner. I feel I've been around enough schools to see what works and doesn't work. I don't plan on making a living from teaching but if I did make some profit, awesome.. but that's not what I'm in it for.

I know that rank doesn't mean much and I sound a bit like a hipocrit but I also feel like a school owner that's teaching budo/karate should at least be a sandan/yondan. I have also been a nidan for about 8 years.

Any tips and/or information about any associations/organizations that meet my needs would greatly be appreciated.

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I wonder,

why would you be graded by "allround" people who probably have little real knowlegde of any of the styles they practise?

Also, I think if you have enough skill adjusting to semi contact just for an examination shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe you should wonder why you want to reach yondan. Is it for yourself, recognition by others or is it to "legally" open a dojo.


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I wonder,

why would you be graded by "allround" people who probably have little real knowlegde of any of the styles they practise?

Also, I think if you have enough skill adjusting to semi contact just for an examination shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe you should wonder why you want to reach yondan. Is it for yourself, recognition by others or is it to "legally" open a dojo.


I agree with AJ here. If the only thing stopping you going back is the sparring, well surely you should be able to adapt. Also, small price to pay in order to get a bone fide dan grade you can be proud of.

"Budo Association" type boards who issue "generalised" Karate dan grades are only after your money, and its money that is willingly given by many, it would seem, in order to receive that all important grade advancement.

Personally I would go back to either the Shito or Goju group you were part of and work up to your Yondan. It will be far more valuable to you in the long run.

Otherwsie its a case of Yondan? Yondan in What?

"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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I have to laugh, I am a 1st Dan and I've had my own club for 3 years, I feel I'll have to take my 2nd Dan soon so as to be able to grade my students upto 1st Dan, etc.

I would focus on 'it takes as long as it takes to get to 4th Dan', Don't let it worry you.

It sounds like you already command respect from you students so why let it worry you.

In a ring, does it bother you that the fighter you are fighting is a 1st Dan or a 4th Dan, the answer should be no.

YOU make the belt NOT the belt makes you!!!

I hope this helps

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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I have to laugh, I am a 1st Dan and I've had my own club for 3 years, I feel I'll have to take my 2nd Dan soon so as to be able to grade my students upto 1st Dan

Hmm!, I am not sure that's right. I guess all schools are different, but it is my experience that most dan gradings are conducted by a panel of judges. This panel comprises of at least 3 Yudansha with a combined grade of 10 dans or above.

But then thats my group, others may do it differently.

"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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Hey kansas, have you considered setting up your own lose affiliation? I get the impression that you're not looking to "found" anything art wise but it's different to just get a group of like minded individuals together for the purposes that an established "association" would serve.

The key of course is the quality of the people you have at the head of the group. I'm certain by this point you know at least a few unaffiliated individuals that you could tap.

Just a thought.

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I have to laugh, I am a 1st Dan and I've had my own club for 3 years, I feel I'll have to take my 2nd Dan soon so as to be able to grade my students upto 1st Dan

Hmm!, I am not sure that's right. I guess all schools are different, but it is my experience that most dan gradings are conducted by a panel of judges. This panel comprises of at least 3 Yudansha with a combined grade of 10 dans or above.

But then thats my group, others may do it differently.

Note, I do have an assistant Instructor within my club who is also Yudansha and we work on a point system, an average is found and this decides the grade and Level of Pass (grade 3 up to Grade 1)

The Kata we used/practice are predominately Ashihara Kata so these are very different to Wado Kata.

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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I have to laugh, I am a 1st Dan and I've had my own club for 3 years, I feel I'll have to take my 2nd Dan soon so as to be able to grade my students upto 1st Dan

Hmm!, I am not sure that's right. I guess all schools are different, but it is my experience that most dan gradings are conducted by a panel of judges. This panel comprises of at least 3 Yudansha with a combined grade of 10 dans or above.

But then thats my group, others may do it differently.

Note, I do have an assistant Instructor within my club who is also Yudansha and we work on a point system, an average is found and this decides the grade and Level of Pass (grade 3 up to Grade 1)

The Kata we used/practice are predominately Ashihara Kata so these are very different to Wado Kata.

So what grade is your colleague, and what does the kata have to do with it? Sorry, but your last post has left me :-? confused.

"A lot of people never use their initiative.... because no-one told them to" - Banksy


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I'm a little lost here because in the other styles I have been invovled in there was no requirement as far sparring. Does your old Shito ryu Org have sparring requirments? I mean aside that you will be required to demostarte sparring at your test? Are you required to win a certain number of matches? I think only Knock down styles had sparring requirements like you had to win a certain number of matches to grade successfully. If that's not the case with your old traditional styles why not test and when it comes to your sparring you just won't do well. So you will still get passed as long as everything else was in order like your kata, bunkai, weapons, kihon, pre-arranged sparring. So on your test your point sparring doesn't look as equel as your other performances. You still get promoted and the rank you think you nned to open a school. Also why not request to demostrate your free sparring with full contact or kick boxing they might go for it.

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