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I've been on the failing side of a promotion. I fell apart during the test. Nerves got me. I was given two weeks to gather myself and test again. I swore to myself that day I would never fail another grading in the martial arts. I took an eight year lay off and started from scratch. I remembered my promise to myself and held true and trained hard for every promotion in my new dojo. I remembered that aweful tast of failure and the anger I choked back when having to tell people that I failed for just two weeks. I still look back on that test as an important step in my journey in the martial arts.

You can build use this in a positative way. Let this anger turn into a burning focus to drive you to improvement. Don't let this get you down use it to you advantage to sho them how good you really are.

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I've been on the failing side of a promotion. . . . I swore to myself that day I would never fail another grading in the martial arts. . . . I remembered my promise to myself and held true and trained hard for every promotion in my new dojo. . . . I still look back on that test as an important step in my journey in the martial arts. . . .

Don't let this get you down use it to you advantage to sho them how good you really are.

There's no arguing with the voice of experience, pittbullJudoka.

I'm at a lower belt level, and there's no guarantee that I'll pass a test to a higher one just because a certain amount of time has passed by. It's probably better to skip a testing time that you're touch-and-go with, and wait for the next time, when you really feel you're ready.

Thanks for sharing your experience and insights with all of us.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Shoto4life: is this the first time that you feel that this instructor affected a testing result of yours? If it is, then why do you suppose he has it out for you?

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if one of your instructors really doesnt like you it would be a good idea to maybe start training at the school in the other city. you are in a contact sport, and the possibilities of you getting injured by this person doing something is really high. i know that as an instructor at times you have to put alittle bit of force behind some things to teach someone something, and he could possibly take this too far. i kinda got off on a separate subject but i feel its an important thing to keep in mind.

"Live life easy and peacefully, but when it is time to fight become ferocious."

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Shoto4life: is this the first time that you feel that this instructor affected a testing result of yours? If it is, then why do you suppose he has it out for you?

Yes its the first time. I received my current rank from a different sensei in a different dojo.

As mentioned before I really have no idea. I feel like his rational is that I wasnt ready. I think he is intimidated and doesnt wanna see me on his level anytime soon. Away from that I know they are realy judgemental and dog a girl who is sort of different in sort of a special way all the time which turns me off. Its like obviously she is alittle off no need to sit and dog her behind her back. So Im guessing its prolly based on things from simple conversation and him drawing conclusions about me. I have good sense at reading people and my feelings and insticts are usually spot on. One of the other instructors seems like he doesnt like me much either. He admitted to being the small kid that got beat on as a kid. He says he didnt have size so he had to work harder and be faster to win. He views me and the strong type A male and sort of resents me. He has referred to me in class as a construction worker and Im a white collar college grad. He however keeps things on a more neutral and professional level than does the other one where one day you could see it in his face - looked like he wanted to pop me. That day I think his attitude was spawned from me slacking during kumite as I was paired with his 10 year old daughter. Honestly I ran threw her kumite several times but I didnt want to spend all day with her as she is so small it sort of ruins my form to work with her. I don't really feel like young kids should be mixed in with adult classes.

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Ok, I know I said stick it out, and I really think that if it's more about just a failed test than anything.

However, remember that you are paying for a service (not a promotion). If you are at odds with a primary instructor who's responsible for most of your training, there's nothing wrong with moving on. There are enough schools out there you probibly wouldn't even h ave to change systems.

Heck, even if you did a lot of stuff will be similar. There is only so many ways to crank on the human body after all. I don't buy into the unlimited loyalty to one's insturctor. If you're paying him, there's a business relationship as well. Make sure you're getting your learning out of it. Sometimes it takes a few schools to find a good fit for you based on goals and personaltities on both sides.

If it's only about promotion, just wait and keep training. If there is a serious clash of personalities, moving on might not be off the tabel. Each situation is different.

Clashes havent bothered me really its more about the test. I want to move to the next kata. I feel like I deserved to pass and was failed as sort of a we are in control message. I feel like I was inappropriatly stepped on.

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That day I think his attitude was spawned from me slacking during kumite as I was paired with his 10 year old daughter. Honestly I ran threw her kumite several times but I didnt want to spend all day with her as she is so small it sort of ruins my form to work with her. I don't really feel like young kids should be mixed in with adult classes.

Politics in martial arts school can be downright infuriating - I know as I have experience some. To me, I think you did the right thing. Imagine if his 10 yr old was with someone going full force sparring with her...

I would weigh the advantages and disadvantages of continuing your training at this school. You just may have to pick up and train elsewhere to get non-biased scoring in your testing.

Good luck!

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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Thanks for the input guys. So generally you guys think I should stick it out then?

I think Im gonna rationalize it like Ive only been back into it for like 6 months. It would have taken 9 mths at the soonest to get my green belt in the first place so Im still prolly catching up to where I once was and Im sorta lucky I didnt have to start out from stratch again.

I love Shotokan and this dojo is connected with one of the highest ranking non japanese senseis in the nation or world so I really wanna get my rank through them.

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I love Shotokan and this dojo is connected with one of the highest ranking non japanese senseis in the nation or world so I really wanna get my rank through them.

This is obviously very important to you, Shoto, and you sound like a determined guy.

You'll do it, that's for sure.

_ _ _ :karate: _ _ _

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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