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Chuck Liddells guard I think has left a lot to be desired recently. Suffering Knockouts to Rampage and now Evans should hopefully make him think about his guard a bit more.

Do you think this is all he needs to get back to the top or does he need to work on other aspects of his game?

https://www.markstraining.com Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists.
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It appears to be something that he does need to work on, but it could also have something to do with the caliber of fighters that are coming up now. It looks like it will be more than 2 or 3 guys who can contend for a title at any given time. I think that is part of it.

Liddell is good enough that he can take some time to work out the quirks in his game. He'll make it back.

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It appears to be something that he does need to work on, but it could also have something to do with the caliber of fighters that are coming up now. It looks like it will be more than 2 or 3 guys who can contend for a title at any given time. I think that is part of it.

Liddell is good enough that he can take some time to work out the quirks in his game. He'll make it back.

I think your right. I think Chuck needs to go back to the drawing board, realise that he has so many other weapons which he can use apart from his right hand and come back a better and wiser fighter.

https://www.markstraining.com Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists.
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Chucks seemingly open guard is not a mistake, but part of the pits training method i believe. At times though chuck leaves himself far more open than most people could get away with. To check out a demo/explanation of the pits approach to their fighting stance check out:


Its titled "stance demo".

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Chucks seemingly open guard is not a mistake, but part of the pits training method i believe. At times though chuck leaves himself far more open than most people could get away with. To check out a demo/explanation of the pits approach to their fighting stance check out:


Its titled "stance demo".

Interesting, also interesting to point out is with Chuck being a counter puncher it would look to a seasoned fighter like an opportunity to throw a strike thus doing exactly what Chuck normally does, throw his right hook.

But I said before in another thread people have started figuring it out so people are more often waiting for Chuck to strike thus leaving him open t thier counter. Props to Evans and Rampage and thier trainers for finding that hole, hopefully Liddell can work with it and change up his game a bit. Afterall he has good BJJ and wrestling credentials, might be a good time to make use of them. :brow:

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Countering can be a great tactic, but sooner or later, as a counter fighter, you will end up taking a shot. Perhaps more of a blending in of offensive striking will help him out some?

Or, I am confused, and don't really know what I am talking about...;)

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I've never liked how Chuck fights, never have but he made it work for him for a while. I always told people not to emulate the way he fought. However, this is besides the point, you only have so many years as a fighter in the "more full contact" kinds of competition. Be it: boxing, kickboxing, thaiboxing, knockdown karate, MMA, Kudo, etc. There comes a time when one should "hang up their gloves" and focus on training/teaching. I haven't yet trained with Chuck nor sparred with him but I have with other fighters from "The Pit" and I'll just say this, Chuck isn't the only one with a wide open guard that throws looping punches.

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Chuck's success has been easy to figure out. He has been feasting on wrestlers turned MMA guys who have ZERO striking skill. Most people have never really been hit before and cannot take a punch. Chuck is hard to take dwon and keep down, so he has the advantage over a bunch of non strikers.

I told someone years ago that a good lefty or a decent kicker will beat Chuck handily. Jardine isnt even a good kicker and he beat Chuck. Anyone with a strikers chin will do well against Chuck. Wand Silva, 25 pounds lighter than Chuck, took his best shots on the chin and forced him to resort to a take down. That is something that we havent seen Chuck do in ages. I cannot even believe that at one point Chuck was talking about fighting Mirko. It would have been a homicide.

If my survival means your total destruction, then so be it.

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yep, I thought he was going to work on his striking better. After the rampage UFC fight he had he mentioned his trainer John hackleman say he needs to keep his other hand up protecting his head when he throws the hook. Didn't listen and got beat by rampage.

Same thing with dropping his hand against rashad and got beat by him too. Chuck pushed for a tighter guard he would do alot betteer. Maybe switch up game plans sense people are catching on to his. He has excellent wrestling and I would love to see Chucks G N P skills.

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Ive seen some vids online awhile back and the guy can do a tight guard when he's boxing and he really does have a sick clinch if he would just use it. And like Adonis said he has great wrestling ability and he's (think) a purple belt in BJJ. He just seems far to concerned with throwing his big hook and KOing someone for his highlight reel. He has all the tools to completely change up his gameplan, will he do it though? Guess time will tell...

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