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Shamrock vs. Gracie

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The other night I was channel surfing and came across a fight between Frank Shamrock and one of the Gracie brothers. (I forgot which Gracie). I don't know if this was an old rerun or a new fight, as I was just flipping through and stopped to watch.

Anyway, what happened was Shamrock lost the bout and got disqualified because he kicked the Gracie guy in the head while they were on the floor and Gracie was obviously affected by it enough that the fight was stopped. Shamrock told reporters that he is old school, and he came here to fight and that's how he fights. He said he wasn't aware of the rule "no hits to the head".

I was wondering if anyone saw this and what your thoughts were on this?

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I did not see this but I did read somethings on this bout. Basically if I remember right Shamrock had been handled fairlyeasily for a round and couldn't stop the takedown nor could he get up. I think Shamrock basically threw the knee hoping to get a stand up and a warning but the ref chose a diffrent path for him. Frank's a seasoned fighter and used a weak excuse for what he did. He knew the rules going in, he's an intelligent fighter and he knew what he was doing when he done it.

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I thought Shamrock was rather smug about the whole incident and I figured he was lying when he said he didn't know about the rules. (yeah, right Frank) Meanwhile the Gracie guy looked like he got hit by a ton of bricks. Man, he was definitely zonked by that shot to the head.

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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At the same time, the Gracies have been known for their "take all comers, no rules" philosophy. Just playing devil's advocate here, to bring out another point. Yeah, it should not be tolerated if it is against the rules, but Shamrock does have a bit of a point.

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Bushido_man, I would agree with you if this had been a "Gracie Challenge" but it was not. It was a typical MMA event on TV with sanctioned rules. If I remember right both Gracie and Shamrock were coaches , so they both knew the rules well.


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Yeah, this was kina weird. I think this was an excuse for tapping the guy in the head because he was frustrated.

Did he actually intend to do it? Maybe, maybe not. I can see a fighter getting worked up because his frustration is mounting and letting go with one. It still dosn't make it right, of course and shouldn't be tolerated.

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Yeah, this was kina weird. I think this was an excuse for tapping the guy in the head because he was frustrated. . . .

It still dosn't make it right, of course and shouldn't be tolerated.

How about a fighter who doesn't know when to stop? I remember a boxing match in which one fighter had another against the ropes, and as he pounded away, his opponent just slid right down to the canvas, winding up in a seated position.

The standing fighter leaned over and gave a strong punch to the head of the downed man; the referee disqualified the standing fighter, whose people protested that he was just continuing the punching as the man fell.

The referee insisted he knew what he saw; the video replay showed it was exactly as the referee had called it; the "winning" standing fighter had just not controlled himself and threw victory away.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Yeah, I've seen stuff like that as well. Again, I can understand being caught up in the moment but there are boundries. Refs should have the punitive power to dq fighers if they go to far. It why sanctioning bodies were invented.

There is a big difference in the accptable version of this, say that late shot while the other guy si still standing but the ref isn't quite in there yet, vs. the unacceptable version. In this case, a downed opponant, who obviously can't fight back and is out of bounds of striking per the rules of hte competition they are in. One would expectm ore contorl out of a fighter trainied under those rules. DQ is more than fair.

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It was Renzo Gracie,and IMO Frank was winning the fight when it got stopped.Renzo had a side mount on Frank,Frank was throwing knees,and one of em caught Renzo in the head.Renzo rolled over,and was in some intense pain.It did sem a little exaggerated however.


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