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Recommended defense for women being raped/sexually assaulted

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Good point about most people knowing their attacker. This is overwhealiminly the case in all assults, not just sex offenses.

And, as my friend points out, it makes it harder to employ the high damage tactics we think of in these situations with the type of mindset we try to instill. Intamacy with what needs to become just another set of targets has got to be difficult.

However, I still think the most damage in the least amount of time to effect escape theory is the best we currently have going for us once you pass into the physical skill set of this. I do think it's issues like this that make the involvement of other groups designed to deal with the emotional issues of this issue is important.

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I've already given my point of view on this topic on another board, but for here I'll say it again.

Submition to a would-be rapist should only be done to a certain point...getting him close enough to you to poke his eyes into the back of his brain. I agree with Chikara on this one, the attacker is there doing what he is doing because he wants to instill such fear in his victim that she would be fighting back, and if that fight isn't there he will do what he thinks will put some fight back into her.

In almost all the rape cases that I know of, half the time the attacker killed the victim either after the fact, or usually during the act (which sounds ludacrous, but that's the facts from where I am). More than half the time the victim was taken to a remote location, the other half of the time it happend at home or in the attacker's home. Either way, I teach as part of my rape self-defense classes the use of Weapons of the moment...a pen or pencil, scissors, glass, carry a roll of quarters in your purse, a spiked Kubotan works wonders.

Then we train the women's mind in order to do WHAT they MUST do in order to win. It isn't enough to tell them, "Poke in his eyes" because most women will go, "Eeeewwwwww, that's gross, I wouldn't do that!!!" I tell them to take their pick, being raped, sometimes brutally and then take the chance that you won't be kille dafterwards......or get over your squeemishness and stick your fingernailed fingers into his eyes. He can't attack you any more if he can't see you...and he is getting what he deserves if he is trying to rape you.

My advise to all females is this....IF SOME GUY IS TRYING TO RAPE YOU, DO ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO KILL HIM. Because more likely than not, you will not kill him, only hurt him to the point that he decides you aren't worth his pain. But if you don't kick it up a notch mentally into killing mode, you won't be able to convince yourself to just hurt the guy.

Using no Way, AS Way...

Using no Limitation, AS Limitation

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Absolutely! I totally agree with what both of you had to say.


My 2 senseis disagree on the matter of "kill or be killed." The karate sensei says not to leave a mark and to run first chance you get no matter what and to not do any preemptive moves. Of course, the karate sensei only teaches from a male perspective.


If I was to ever be attacked, there's no jury in the US that would think I was out of line killing that person (only if my life was in danger.) But, I would if I had to because I care more about my life than I care about a murderer's, even if it's someone I know.


The Aiki J-J sensei says to first disable the attacker, then get out of there. He's more sensitive to my kind of concerns and teaches ground stuff a lot, including standing, armed, no light, etc.


I compared the karate sensei with the AJJ sensei and noticed the difference. Karate sensei only cares about competition now. :x AJJ sensei cares only for self defense (absolutely no tournements.) :D


I'm no good at conclusions, so ciao for now! :P


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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In a class the other day, he was told by some "expert" that they recommend that when girls/women are being raped or sexually attacked otherwise, that they don't recommend them to fight back. They say this because the attacker will fight harder, and actually cause them to get hurt more by infuriating the attacker more, ending up in a higher chance of being killed in the process.

Holy Cow! This may be some of the most irresponsible advice I have ever heard!

Statistically, it has been shown that women who submit are any less likely to be seriously harmed than those who fight back (I will try to find some of the literature and post it here). And those who do fight back tend to heal much quicker psychologically simply by knowing that they did everything they could to prevent the attack.

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Here's the baseline:

If you submit you ARE going to get raped, and possibly beaten or killed.

If you fight back with all your might, you may not get raped, beaten or killed.

submission=sure thing, fight=possible salvation

If a blackbelt is easy to attain then you have to question the worth of the rank.

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Actually i've read just the first post.

I do agree with the tip of not fight back their aggressor.

Most of the time the aggressor being a man is obvoiusly stronger than the woman, so fighting back would cause her more injuries.

The woman should choose the best moment to act, and so, i think that, in the case of a rape, when the man sees the woman not backfighting more he would probably give less attention to her and would start to get off his trousers and stuff like that.

That's the moment in which the woman should act, when the attention of the aggressor is lower because he thinks that she gave up fighting, and he is busy doing other things...

This is my humble opinion, I hope my english is good enough to be understood. =)

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Actually thats a pretty good point BlackSilver. Although I think its a bit of a gamble because you don't know that always work. The victim could be in a situation where, although the attacker is distracted, they or an accomplice have now pinned them down and there is even less of a chance of escaping because the attacker has been able to put themselves in that controlling position. Also I think it would be very hard in a situation like that to think clearly and wait for the best opportunity. Still something to think about though.

BTW, nice signature Roys15. :P

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Here's the baseline:

If you submit you ARE going to get raped, and possibly beaten or killed.

If you fight back with all your might, you may not get raped, beaten or killed.

submission=sure thing, fight=possible salvation

This is the way I look at it, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Submitting to an attacker is something I would never never advocate for someone.

There are other things to take into account. You have no idea the diseases that a rapist has. What if one submits to being raped and aquires an incurable disease such as AIDS, hepetitis, herpes, or whatever else have you.

If you want to play the odds and hope you'll be ok, thats up to you. I'd suggest you fight with everything and anything you have.

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Submitting to an attacker is something I would never never advocate for someone. . . .

I'd suggest you fight with everything and anything you have.

I realize that the original question refers to rape, and that Jim's answer (in the middle section of his posting) refers to the question asked, yet I couldn't help but notice that the very first sentence Jim wrote was what we're primarily concerned with in the martial arts--self-defense. I included quoting the last sentence because it ties in so well with the first.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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