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Recommended defense for women being raped/sexually assaulted

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The 4th dan in our school is also a school resource officer, and he teaches some basic self-defense stuff for the girls at the schools he works at.

In a class the other day, he was told by some "expert" that they recommend that when girls/women are being raped or sexually attacked otherwise, that they don't recommend them to fight back. They say this because the attacker will fight harder, and actually cause them to get hurt more by infuriating the attacker more, ending up in a higher chance of being killed in the process.

How do you feel about this idea? Personally, I think it is bunk. I think it is a bad idea. I know I would want my wife and daughter to do everything in their power to stop the attack. Not submit.

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Depends on the scenario and let me preface that by saying one ever really knows how they are going to react in a situation until they themselves are in it.

Let's say it was an attack without weapons...I'd tell my daughter, if you don't see a gun, fight back with everything you've got. Punch, bite, kick, gouge eyes out, rake your fingernails against his face, attack his groin with kicks and punches, bend back his fingers in the opposite direction, etc., do what you can and fight back with all your might. But if he's got a gun pointed at you, I don't see any way out of that, unfortunately; unless you are super highly experienced in deflecting weapons at close range.

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I had watched a women's self-defense video in the past that cautioned women not to overreact to a situation, explaining that the adversary would then be more likely to overreact himself, fearful that he has to, well, "shut her up," so that he doesn't get into trouble. This addresses the male who's a nuissance or a fool (like a flasher), but had not intended bodily harm.

The advice (if it may be called that) by the "expert" is completely contrary to women's self-defense. The video I referred to, above, gave its caution, and then went on with what it was about--women's self-defense. I can understand an expert giving the advice of not trying to defeat the assailant, but to give him a good, strong shot or two and then flee.

Let's face it, a rapist is a merciless creature masquerading as a human being. If he's willing to cross such a line, where is the guarantee that he won't go further in bodily harm, including death? Women have to know how to defend themselves, with intensity, and to get out of there. She can always call the police after she's escaped.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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But if he's got a gun pointed at you, I don't see any way out of that, unfortunately; unless you are super highly experienced in deflecting weapons at close range.

I'm still not sure that it is worth not fighting back, even in this scenario.

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Rape, is a crime of violence. The perp is seeking to fulfil “that” need. It would be on a strictly “case by case” circumstance as to what level of resistance would be acceptable (for the victim) to resist. I can present cases where the victim “complied” completely, and was “literally” stomped into a blood puddle (because the perp, wasn't “satisfied” with the result). Rape, is a crime of violence, it's intent is to humiliate and belittle the victim (it only falls under “sex” crime because of the “means” of violence). Training can aid, but is not necessarily the “end all” answer. Awareness and avoidance are greater assets.

"If your breakin' a sweat, your doin' something wrong"

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Yes, awarness and avoidance are the best ways to avoid it. But, when the time comes, heaven forbid, I think one would need to be able to physically resist, too.

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It's a catch 20/20. I think if you can train to fully be aware of a situation, you might and I stress might be able to avoid it.

The key thing on women's self defense is to tell them to always stay where its crowded but alot of times thats impossible to do. But the key thing is to know your surroundings, train for unexpected happenings.

One thing my teacher liked to do was train in the dark. Said that you need to be prepared for all times of day/night.

But a arcticle I read in black belt, think it was new one. Author said to try to use techniques you think will work to always train that so it becomes 2nd nature. Some I agree, other parts I dont but thats just me

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I recommend fighting back always and immediately. I also recommend that it be done as viciously and violently as possible with a final success being escape from the situation and survival both physically and emotionally.

I agree, avoidence should be optimally stressed. Most sex assualts happen as a crime of opportunity. The guys who will stalk prey are, thankfully, few and far between. Are they out there...you bet, but not setting up an oppoturnity for it to occur will cut down dramatically on it's likleyhood.

I don't think, as any civilized person would agree, that it should ever occur under any circumstance. However, this is reality that we live in, taking steps to protect yourself is more important than "shoulds". Lots of assults occur in proximity to drinking and/or drugs, like most of them. So, minimizine the amout of alcohol one consumes in the presence of males she dosen't trust (not know, it's two entirely diffent things) will go a long way to keep you out of those situations. It won't make it impossible for bad things to happen to you, but we're talking about minimizing the opportunity for attacks here. Likewise, not being around memebers of the opposite sex when they've had too much to drink is not a bad idea either. Again, we go to oppotunity. What will always limit this is mutiple women in any setting looking out for each other and not letting anyone get seperated without full consent.

It's been brought to my attention that those of us who teach women's self defense often only teach physical skills when what's really needed is a more wholeistic approach. One that deals with how women view themselves in society and such. It's not a bad idea and was bronght to me by one of the best sd ma-ist I know.

I also think that it is out of the realm of our expertise, at least mine. Avoidance, physical aggression, tactics, I can teach all of these things but beyond that, I'm pretty much useless. Perhaps cooridnation of sd class focusing on sex assult prevention should have the interaction of domestic violence prevention agancies and assult counslers. It's an idea I'm looking into for further developing my womens sd course.

For my part, in this larger picture, I'll still focus on teaching the most destructive, aggressive patterns of movement I can and hope that something takes and is useful.

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Women who fight back have an easier time getting over the traumatising experience of rape than those who do not. Also, do not think that by complying with your attacker's wishes means that he will not kill you.

Real self defence starts with awareness of your surroundings, and alot of that is common sense. If you are a woman who trains in martial arts you have a significant advantage.

If you are a woman who worries about the possibility of rape, then go to a class and learn how to hit, hard.

I think it is also possible to lure the attacker into a false sense of security, then unleash all that you have trained for. 100% attack/kill mode, no less.

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Yes, it's absolute myth that if you don't fight back, they'll ease up. Total garbage. It only makes them want to hurt their victims more.

If there's a gun and they're still far away, I'd say run and don't let them take you to another location. It'll be isolated, removed, and completely up to the attacker. If you run, they usually won't shoot at you. If they do, they'll usually miss you. Better odds than being alone with them in the middle of nowhere.

As for crime of opportunity, it's mostly done by people the victim knows and lives close to. It's also most often from robberies in the victim's own home. Goes against all the common conceptions of rape.

This is an excellent thread, full of very important things to consider.


karate es el amor de mi vida.

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