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Opened hand or Closed hand attacks?

Open or Closed?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Open or Closed?

    • Open
    • Closed

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Which do you prefer to use? If you could only use one of them, which would it be?

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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First off, I think that they both have their place. Espically if y ou consider that an eye gouge is technically an open handed attack. Additionally, it can be easier to grab an opponant subsequent to an open handed attack. (ex.- thumb gouge to the eye, hair pull).

That being said, I'm going with closed hand attacks. They give you the advantage of being lined up in an anatomically stronger position to transfer force and they are typically much better at delervering jarring strikes. This is probibly due to the harder striking surface of the knuckes compared to the palm. Also, they are more likely to cause cuts to the face over the bony structure. This can be a huge psycological advantage over an opponant, most people really don't like to bleed. If he has buddies, it's another way to get into their head before they decide to join in the festivities.

Give a choice of one, it's closed hand for me.

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I prefer closed hands strikes as well. Perhaps it is because I like to punch the bag; I don't know. I feel like I have better power in closed hand strikes. Perhaps it is because of the way the feedback of a fist feels as compared to open handed strikes like knifehands.

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If I'm striking the side of the head, cheeks or chin, I'm probably going to use a closed hand. I'm better at pushing through muscle or fat tissue with an open hand so for the body strikes I used open hand. So far it's worked.

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If I'm striking the side of the head, cheeks or chin, I'm probably going to use a closed hand. I'm better at pushing through muscle or fat tissue with an open hand so for the body strikes I used open hand. So far it's worked.

This sounds opposite to what I have always heard. It is said that we should actually use open hand strikes to the harder targets, like the head, and the closed fist to the softer targets of the body. I know that many people punch to the head, but it can be quite easy to break the hand when punching the head. I just found it interesting that this works well for you, being opposite and all. Cool, though. :)

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Interesting that you palm to the body.

I've always felt, and this is just personal opinion nothing more, that one had more penetration with a closed fist to the body. It's smaller striking surface and harder contact points. I find it hard enough to damage someone signifigantly in the body with a closed fist, let alone an open hand.

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If I'm striking the side of the head, cheeks or chin, I'm probably going to use a closed hand. I'm better at pushing through muscle or fat tissue with an open hand so for the body strikes I used open hand. So far it's worked.

This sounds opposite to what I have always heard. It is said that we should actually use open hand strikes to the harder targets, like the head, and the closed fist to the softer targets of the body. I know that many people punch to the head, but it can be quite easy to break the hand when punching the head. I just found it interesting that this works well for you, being opposite and all. Cool, though. :)

My palms are in essence stronger than my fists. Because of my lack of wrist training, I have found that I'm more likely to sustain injury to my hands if I try to strike body with closed fist. Because my palms are more stable, I can throw more power into them and inflict just as much (if not, more) damage as my fists.

Also, if you think about it, it would make more sense for me to strike body with palm. Because my palms have been trained to penetrate, and body tissue is naturally softer than the head, it would amplify the damage because I can get through the muscle and hit organs.

Another thing I have noticed about my palms is that they are faster than my fists. I think this is because naturally with an open hand, one's arm is more relaxed and has more capacity for speed. That would increase my probability of accurately hitting a vital or pressure point (with spear hand strikes) when I aim for it.

I use my fists for striking the cheeks and chin of the head. In my personal experience against larger opponents, I have found that I (as an individual) can (more likely) accurately hit them at angles that would be effective for my fists. Also, I do not know any effective ways to deliver damage to a cheek with an open hand because the angles the strikes would come from subtract power. However, if I strike the forehead, nose, neck or mouth, I use an open hand. Palm strikes for forehead, chops for the nose and neck, and spear hands for the mouth.

That is just the conclusions I've drawn from my personal experiences.

As for the fact that we're likely to break our hands with closed-fist strikes to the head, I just have this to say - Either those people aren't forming their fists right, or their hand bones haven't been adiquately conditioned, or both.

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You'll find that if you throw your punches with a relaxed grip until just before impact, you will reduce the tension in the attacking arm and the speed will increase. Thus, kinetic energy transfer will be higher.

As for penetration, i still think that a closed fist will get more drive than a palm to the havy tissue of the body simply due to it's smaller striking surface in general.

And for breaking bones in hands...it happens. It's an ever present concern with fighting. Proper fist construction will help, as will proper use of striking surface, but in the end you and the bad guy are moving around a lot durning a conflict. It's easy enough to do everything right and still suffer a bony injury to the hand. The key is to have mentally prepared for the fact that fights hurt and be able to fight through it and adapt your fight strategy around it.

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