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multiple assailants

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Few tips.

1. Hit and Run - Don't stay on one guy too long and never let you feet stop moving.

2. Stay on your feet - Jujitsu is great on a padded floor one on one but IMHO in a real fight you better be able to strike and strike hard.

3. Take out the leader or most agressive person first and hope the rest get the idea.

4. Use or find a weapon. Your belt is a good one but anything that gives you KO power or someting to make distance with.

5. Back to the corner. I know it sounds stupid to back into a corner but if you have to fight don't let anyone get our of your range of vision. Back to a wall or in a door way is perfect.

6. G.E.T. Training GROIN, EYES and THROAT then GET the heck out of there. Hit them where it hurts its not sparring!

All good points.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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As for how often they win...there is no winning involved in that training. No points, just sparring. What I ask of my "attackers" is that if the defender gets in a good technique that would knock them back or disable them, then to back of for a few seconds.

I like the sound of this. The major thing is making the students acknowledge what the "stumbling blows" would be; everyone will react a little different, but something like this would be a great augment to training.

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  • 5 weeks later...

dont try any fansy stuff, just do what you need to do to run.. open a gap in the assailants and run for your life.. you dont take them all on phisicly, but its their fault for letting you get away, so in a way you took them on anyways..

"ok, well i must warn you, im an orange belt on karateforums!"

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