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Would you help if someone needed it?

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"Obviously she's not justified but the guy maybe should have removed himself form the situation, take a walk around the block then come back for your pizza."

I don't see it as being "his" responsibility to have to do anything (much less Leave, and come back). SHE was causing the disturbance and HE got Jumped by her BF (and had already been struck by her). I believe if I had been there (alone, as stated by others) after the first shot (when the guy went down, and was obviously not a threat) I would have had to do something (not exactly sure what? LOL) but I can't let someone be “beat” for NO reason (especially, when they obviously can't fight back).

"If your breakin' a sweat, your doin' something wrong"

(If your really Bored)


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I don't know; leaving may have been a worse ideal. The big guy may have followed him outside, where there may not have been as many witnesses, and no cameras, and things may have turned out worse.

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All of this started just because the victim made a rude comment on the phone, not knowing what he actually said you can't blame him. people like the attackers really shouldn't be allowed in public if they're just gonna cause problems. I would have had to jump in personally, as a responsible citizen, you can't let this kinda stuff stand.


A wise man once said "don't complain if you're not willing to fix the problem yourself"

If a blackbelt is easy to attain then you have to question the worth of the rank.

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You're right, you certainly can't blame the victim, like I said, it's a bit much for continuing to lip off.

However, you can certainly say that he should have been a bit brighter. It looks like at a couple of points he could have walked away and been done. But instead, he steps up in the attackers face.

There are plenty of good reasons not to back down. I would just question if this was one of them. Not being there to actually hear the altercation, it's really hard to tell and I certainly hate to monday morning quaterback.

As for getting involved, there's a bunch of stuff to consider that has already been discussed before siding in something like this. I certainly understand where you're coming from. But just accept that there may indeed be consequences of becoming involved. It may be better to call the police and let them sort it out.

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I am reminded of something my oldest daughter once wore on a t-shirt...."Apathy Kills". It is sad but ever more apparent that we live in a self-serving society and this is becoming more the norm than the exception.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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I would hope that I would step in and help the victim, but in truth most of us don't know what we would do until something like this happened in our presence. My junior black belt came upon a situation like this once...he was at McDonald's waiting for his ordered food and two guys out in the parking lot threw another down on the ground and began kicking and stomping the guy....with other bystanders just watching continueing about their business. He had enough and went out there and took them both down, had someone in the store call 911, and got help from bystanders picking the victim up off the ground and helping him into the store. Unfortunately, by the time the police arrived the two purpetrators managed to crawl into their car and leave.

Using no Way, AS Way...

Using no Limitation, AS Limitation

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I know that it's suprising that I'm the one saying this but I'm still leaning to not needing to jump into this fight.

If intervention would have been "best case" scenrio then contact would have been made before the BF starts throwning down on the victim. Then maybe you could verbally de-escallate the situation.

Second, again, the victim sure dosen't go out of his way to not get beat down. Not talking about his poor awarness or tactics, but his utter lack of any understanding that maybe he shouldn't irritate this guy.

As to another point, yes, I do think it's the victim's responsiblity to walk away (although I agree with bushido man that outside may not be the best idea exactly for the reasons he stated). It's his responsibility because it's his responsibily to make sure he isn't hurt. No one elses. HE should see, even without training, that this is going to go poorly. He needs to take care of him self as best as possible and stepping up in the face of a 300 pounder probibly isn't the best way to exercise this responsibibliy.

Step back, call the cops and have the dude arrested for disorderly conduct or assult. You win both ways then. One, you don't let him get by with the stunt he pulled, society is now better off and this kind of thing is not allowed to stand. Two, you don't get beat up in the process. So, yes, it's the vicitm's responsiblilty to look after himself to a degree.

Self -serving? Yes, to a degree it is. People get hurt in fights, sometimes people get dead in fights. This is a guy I don't know who didn't even try to get himself out of the situation peacefully. If one absoulutly has to become involved, then I'd start verbally by asking him to back off or try and get the GF to get him to back off. Certainly get the cops coming. If the leave, get plate numbers.

Now am I saying let the dude get beat to death? No, I can't even be that callous about this. But really take a hard look at the potental consequences of jumping into a fray for a guy you don't know from Adam.

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Last Sinfield show lol

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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id step in and hit the fat punk square in the throat. :karate: :karate: :karate: :karate: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” ~ Bruce Lee

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