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Would you help if someone needed it?

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So I was cruising some other messegeboards and I saw this video posted.


Now when this happened there was alot of bystanders around and really this could have been alot worse. But my question is what is the right thing in this situation? Would you step in and risk getting hurt? (keep in mind the guy is over 300 Ibs) Could you just sit and watch this happen right in front of you?

Honestly I watch it and I get pretty angry at the situation and feel I may have stepped in, I feel with training its almost like I Id feel responsible if that happened and I did nothing. BUT I have a wife and kids so im not sure what I would do, the things I do especially in a situation like that could have consiquences that effect them, not just me.

This forum is filled with very level headed people and Ive been in and out of here for a long time so Ive come to respect everyone here, I just wanted to see how you guys would react :karate:

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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I would like to think that I would try to help. At the very least, I would get on the phone with the police, and get them en route as quickly as possible.

I would hope that if I tried to seperate things, that others would try to do the same as well; kind of fuel the pack mentality, I guess. At any rate, it is really hard to say. You never know if someone has a weapon or not. You always have to keep these things in the back of your mind.

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I would say that there are many factors involved in a situation such as this and one would have to consider all of them in their response. At a minimum, calling for help would be appropriate.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Bummer for the dude on the pummeled end, I guess.

As above, there are a ton of variables that go into something like this. I'm way more likely to jump in and help someone who was more concillitory than the individual in the video. It certainly appears that he didn't exactly try to de-escalate the situation himself. and if you're dumb enough to keep irritating a guy that big then you kind of should have seen that one coming. Still, it's not exactly right to get the tar pummeled out of you becasue you were dumb enough to keep running you're mouth.

My n umber one priority when stuff like this even looks like it might occur is the safety of my family (if they're with me). They get brought out of the situation first and foremost. After than, getting someone on the phone with the police is best.

As for stepping in, maybe. Depends on how bad things are looking. In this situation, the best thing to do would probibly be to get in as early as possible and try to get the two apart. If either has friends present, it's usually better to enlist one of them, if for no other reason than you don't want sucker punched by one of them.

So there is my very nebulous response of...maybe. Now, if I'm on duty it's a different story. Then if becomes my job to get in the middle. Dude that big, I'm callin for more units.

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As others have said I a wife and a small son. I would for sure get them clear of the situation at what ever damage to myself. I would probably haveher to dial the police to keep my awareness on the attacker. If I was to intervine I would take things to my advanatage. Now I'll tell you I am by no means a large fellow. But if for some slim chance I was to physically get involved I'd jump on his back with a rear naked choke. If I could not get a body triangle then set hooks. But I would use my hooks to strike the groin and bladder with my heels. Yes he is 300 pound but if you got no blood flowing upstair you don't work.

But the victim made some very bad mistakes in the situation. First he looked away when he wiped his eye. He then let his attention go completely to look at his hand after wiping his eye and looked down. Now give you by the looks of the vifeo clip the woman came in to the pizza parlor looking for a fight for her buea. I think even if the victim was fully aware he would have still be assualted. The big guy was looking to get the upper hand with his first strike.

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There was a very similar thing in UK news a couple of weeks (months?) back. However in that case the boyfriend came in from the car park, got the wrong guy and then accidently killed him in the process.

I think my main priority would be the safety of myself and my family/friends. Would try to call the police if possible but I don't think alone I would step in. Maybe try to get the girlfriend to get him to stop? Those spectators could have stopped him together if they wanted to but because no-one acted the rest didn't.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I agree with others here. If family members are around I would get them to safety first. But, as a bystander/third party, I would initially try to deescalate the situation through talking. One the punches started flying there is really only two actions, intervene physically or remove yourself from the situation. I don't know what I would have done in this situation, to be honest, though I would hope that I wouldn't stand by and let someone get pummeled like that.

Also, as pittbullJudoka said, the guy on the phone made a big mistake by letting his guard down and rubbing his face, or whatever he was doing.

My real beef is with the store manager. I think he should have taken a more proactive approach to stop the altercation. After all, it was his store.

Edited by KarateEd


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Thing is, Im not sure what the guy said to anger the girlfriend. Obviously she's not justified but the guy maybe should have removed himself form the situation, take a walk around the block then coem back for your pizza. Maybe thats one course, I really cant say for sure.

As for being a a witness to this, I gave it some thought overnight and Im pretty sure Id step in somehow. Not sure what id do as the situation would call for improv but I just couldnt in good conscience let that happen in front of. I fI was alone at the time then itd be easier, if I was with my family Id see to there safety and then step in.

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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I agree with others here. If family members are around I would get them to safety first. But, as a bystander/third party, I would initially try to deescalate the situation through talking. One the punches started flying there is really only two actions, intervene physically or remove yourself from the situation. I don't know what I would have done in this situation, to be honest.

Also, as pittbullJudoka said, the guy on the phone made a big mistake by letting his guard down and rubbing his face, or whatever he was doing.

My real beef is with the store manager. I think he should have taken a more proactive approach to stop the altercation. After all, it was his store.

I assumed once the woman got aggresive with him he want to the back to call the cops, not sure though

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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