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Is it disrespectful?


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From my understanding, Nakayama "codified" 27 shoto kata.

Just out of interest, which ones are the very rare "weapons" kata you refer to?

Are these perhaps paired Kata as in Tanto Dori?

My thinking is that they can not be that rare, so just show him. Whether you will do it credit or not is another thing :)

Either that or suggest he asks your instructor to show him?


"The difference between the possible and impossible is one's will"

"saya no uchi de katsu" - Victory in the scabbbard of the sword. (One must obtain victory while the sword is undrawn).


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If I was in your shoes I wouldn't teach him. If the guy wanted to learn those forms then he should've been respectful to your sensei and should have stayed at your dojo. If he wants to learn them, then he should come back and start training again and work his way up.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. I wasn't going to show him the weapons forms anyways, but after reading everyones comments, I am going to tell him why I am not going to teach him.

Zanshin, the shotokan kata themselves are not rare. You can look on youtube and see each one of them performed. Weapons forms are usually rare. If an instructor has been taught a weapons kata, he usually learned it from the instructor(s) in his own lineage. I am not saying that in other shotokan schools, students arent learning weapons kata with similar names, but the moves are probably different. Learning something unique to your instructor and his style is (to me) honorable. I am going to keep it unique to my instructor, as I respect him and honor him and the school. It is too bad my so called friend doesnt know yet what respect means.

Live life, train hard, but laugh often.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. I wasn't going to show him the weapons forms anyways, but after reading everyones comments, I am going to tell him why I am not going to teach him.

Zanshin, the shotokan kata themselves are not rare. You can look on youtube and see each one of them performed. Weapons forms are usually rare. If an instructor has been taught a weapons kata, he usually learned it from the instructor(s) in his own lineage. I am not saying that in other shotokan schools, students arent learning weapons kata with similar names, but the moves are probably different. Learning something unique to your instructor and his style is (to me) honorable. I am going to keep it unique to my instructor, as I respect him and honor him and the school. It is too bad my so called friend doesnt know yet what respect means.

Hi Tori,

I understand and completely agree with you. You have remained loyal to your Dojo and sensei which counts for a lot in my books. :)

I was just interested in whether there were actually any "official" Shotokan weapons Katas? Agreed various senseis may have their own, but do the JKA have any officially listed for example?

I know that many karate schools also teach traditional "Kobujutsu", but it isn't strictly speaking Shotokan or Karate for that matter, it is Kobujutsu, but I agree their katas are great.

Just curious really. :)


"The difference between the possible and impossible is one's will"

"saya no uchi de katsu" - Victory in the scabbbard of the sword. (One must obtain victory while the sword is undrawn).


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Hi Tori, I saw you mention he has a brown belt in Isshinryu. From my experience of both being a student and a instructor of isshinryu my school refrains from teaching most brown belts weapons until they are close to being ready for there black belt.

But that is my school, my sensei has made exceptions but there rare.

But when we do start showing weapons the first one is bo then sai, followed by tonfa, nunchuka and now kama. Sai we dont teach till they attained shodan though.

As far as teaching to someone who did not leave on good terms. I pretty much agree with everyone else here. He really does not deserve to know them. And where he cant remember them, to me he really doesnt deserve to learn them again unless he is willing to also make admends to what ever happened.

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Zanshin, I really believe that their are no traditional weapons forms in Shotokan. I think if there was, we would all be practicing the same forms (or a variation of them). The hand forms are all very similar and practiced pretty much the same in each shotokan organization. So a weapons kata would be unique to that school.

Live life, train hard, but laugh often.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with everyone here

If your friend wishes to learn Weapons Kata, he should ask his own Instructor or Ask yours, failing that he should enrole in a weapons school.

You must respect the kudokan. If you ever leave your Instructor's Dojo then you would no longer have to honour the loyalty to him and only then would I say it was ok to teach him the Kata.


"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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