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If you meet aggression with aggression it usually means the stronger man is going to win.


What I would suggest is to learn to fight smarter.


The very first thing I learned in Kung Fu is the concept of removing the target.


If you can learn to be an elusive target then it's just a matter of time till your opponent gives you an opening.


One other alternative is to strike first, and strike hard Before your opponent can react, and learn when to make a graceful exit. One should be able to combine these two strategies seamlessly.


Unfortunately these qualities take time to develop and become second nature.


Just try not to think too much when you are sparring. Keep a clear head, and live in the present moment, like an animal.


Humans tend to over-think when they are in a combat situation. -plenty of time to reflect later after you've won :wink: Just my 2 cents... Good luck!




"Annoying the ignorant since 1961"

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Agility, power and strengh is my new technique. Always moving on your feet, snapping out punches and retreating back fats enopugh so they cant react. Continuous movement never standing like a boxer. Almost like dancing aroung the oppenant , jabbing here and there and then BAMM! Reverse punch straight in the middle of the face. Always in control.



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I find the best counter for a strong and/or fast jabber is a good lead leg teep(thai front kick).


So everytime he tries to jab you kick him in the ribs under the armpit. This hurts like hell even when sparring and will quickly slow down their jab.




So he moves close to jab check his movement with your front leg by teeping the thigh just above the knee. This really messes with their balance and keeps them at a distance. Next if he manages to get in and start jabbing teep him in the armpit.



Rock Paper Scissor

Punch Knee Kick


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