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Today at kickboxing at the end of the lesson we do fitness drills or sparring. I decided to do some sparring and went and got my gloves out and came back to find myself without my normal adult partner. So I asked this 6 ft black guy if he wanted to fight. We started of and he was just dancing round and I was throwing jabs but kept on missing as he was so agile. Then two jabs to my face and then the blood just started to pour out of my nose. This really pissed me off but I kept the anger in because sparring isnt about losing it with someone. I am going to train like hell to get more agile and I have started Plyometrics as well as weights and have just got a punch bag.


What are the best agile moves to avoid punches e.g sidestepping, ducking.


THX in return



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Slipping is quite effective, simply torque your shoulders off to one side, pulls your head out of the way of the punch and sets you up for a counter quite nicely. Then there's weaving, bring your bodyweight either forwards or backwards, bend your knees (not your back), rock your bodyweight over and stand back up. Again it sets you up for a nice counter. Other than that all I can really suggest is simply stepping away (which is fairly slow compared to the dodging) or blocking.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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keep moving in a circle changing directions move your hands to trick him and move in by starting a combo from a jab if your quick enough you should effectively be able to surrround him



blue belt Lau Gar Kung fu

"know your enemy"

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Ahh, the good old face block :bigwink:


While you should always work on agility you should also try working on blocking.


I don't care how fast a jab is. My hand only has to move a few inches while my attacker's has to move more than a foot to get where it's going. If you are observing his every movement you should beable to to see when the attacker is about to punch (even jabs tellagraph). Be prepared to pummle him as soon as his attack creates an opening in his defense.


P.S. I realize there are some fighters that are so quick, and skilled that they hardly tellegraph. If you every face one of these fighters there are two Secret martial art styles that will let you walk away without a limp


1. Run-Fu-just hope you are faster


2. Gun-Fu-a very difficult martial art to master in left wing countries.


Good luck



Semper Fi

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You need to develop your reflexes so you can see the punch before it happens. Getting out of the way of the punch is best or blocking it usually does the trick.



2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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1. Never stay in one place.


2. Never retreat in a linear fashion.


3. Always redirect an attack


4. Stymie his best weapons.


5. If he's close enough to punch you you should have already kicked him.


6. always move to a place he doesn't expect you to be.


7. Do not let anger tell you how to fight.


8. Do not spar with six foot black men. (kidding) :wink:




"Annoying the ignorant since 1961"

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Im agree, especially when you start to move backwards becaues thats when they got you because you move back and they keep jabbing you and you just keep moving back, its a no way situation. My favouate technique so far is definately weaving where you duck for a brief second and rock your body forwards which then sets you up very nicely like a quick upper cut to the jaw. :lol:



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When ever I practice I always imagine sparring someone but I always imagine my self winning because all my punches hit him. Unfortuantly that doesnt really happen. Because they move out of the way. In kickboxing do you think its better to be aggresive or more defensive. I personnaly think that if your aggresive you can always keep the pressure on him but there are also advantage I guess to be defensive. How could I quicken my reflexes.



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