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Grand opening is on Saturday, May 31......any ideas and suggestions on how to proceed with Grand Opening days would be greatly appreciated. I have some kind of idea of how to procede, but I have lost contact with most of my old instructors and the ones that I do still have contact with have never had a grand opening, they just took over the schools they were from when their instructors left the area.

Thanks in advance! :karate:

Using no Way, AS Way...

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Well first and foremost i'd invite anyone who has had a profound influence on your martial arts career.

You want to make sure people are actually there, so invite your students(past and present) and put up flyers in the town, not as much for the Grand Opening part of it, but i'd mention something about an 'open house' type of atmosphere, for people who might want to come and try it. Maybe you and a few others might want to throw together a demo, i know people usually do that.

But i'd definately publicize alittle bit, and push the open house atmosphere to make people who are interested more intrigued in coming.

Make sure you have the proper flyers, schedules, and information for people who do want to sign up.

One thing i've seen is sometimes i've gotten postcards in the mail with a big picture on the front of the Instructor of one of their Black Belts doing some sort of move and on the back it's all the detail about the grand opening. But that might get pricey, i dont know though, i havent done it.

You might also want to consider the traditional "ribbon cutting ceremony" of course. And i've also seen people invite people he knows from other styles to put on demonstrations to demonstrate what different things people can expect and enjoy about martial arts. Getting others in the community involved is a biggie i'd think. Like try to get donations from the local stop and shop or something, maybe get the fire/police dept of the town involved. It all depends on how big you wanna make it, but remember you usually only get one or two grand openings in your life. GO BIG OR GO HOME! :lol: Just kidding, but you get the point. :wink:

But i must say that when its all said and done the best hook for any human being is food and drink! so supply supply supply! :D

"Smile. Show everyone that today you're stronger than you were yesterday."

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Hey Gang,


My grand opening just happened to coordinate with a church next door having a huge rummage sale (unknown to me until the very day), so it brought by a few by-standers that didn't know what I was doing. It went ok, not like I would have liked, but just ok (notice little characters instead of big ones :dodgy:

But it gets better! Already into my fourth class last Tuesday night, I am teaching the kids how to do their forward and back rolls, then one of them asks me "Why are we learning how to roll?" So I proceed to explain to them the reason. Then I get this bright idea :o to demonstrate to them why you need to roll, like, in case you are kicked . . . and I hurt my back.

"Now, see," I proceed to tell them, "this is why you need to learn to roll, when I rolled I didn't get hurt. When I showed you why you need to roll and what could happen to you if you don't roll....I got hurt."

Go figure, at least it was me and not one of them............ :brow:

Using no Way, AS Way...

Using no Limitation, AS Limitation

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