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Information on Shaolin-Do

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Sometimes also known as Shaolin Karate-Do. I know what I can find on the web, which is basically a list of instructors and lineages. What I'm looking for are some first hand account and experiences others have had with the style.

I'll be up front and say that I have yet to meet a practicioner of the style that has impressed me. Not that I'm an authority on Chinese based arts mind you. Nice people most certainly, but do they, in your experience, have any ability at all? Can they fight, work good self defense or have good forms work? I'm looking to the Chinese stylists on the boards here for obvious reasons. You all know the background of those arts much more than I would even dare claim to and have resources to vet them that I do not.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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I have heard and read many, many stories about shaolin-do and from them I would recommend staying away from the organization. Things ranging from banning people who cross train to revisionist history (although that pretty much is most places claiming a tie to shaolin) seem to happen a lot there, along with the old cliche of 'mcdojo'ism.

Edit: I PM'd you some stories

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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  • 1 month later...

Same as a "Pakua" school in South America( McKwoon that claims they teach Baguazhang) but they wear Aikido /hapkido uniforms and do all sorts of Hapkido-like movements.

The name says its a scam: It should be Shaolin-tao, not "shaolin do" - shaolin is chinese/ Tao is their tradition

Do is Japanese(while meaning is similar to Tao, it has different tradition)

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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  • 2 months later...

I am studying Shaolin-Do Kung Fu. As a matter of fact I am taking my 2nd degree brown belt test tomorrow night.

I do not have any experience in the other styles to be able to make any valid comparisons.

I do know that what I have learned to date is very real and very effective in a fight. There are over 900 forms or katas to learn. We also have to learn forms from various other styles such as Tai Chi and Pakua as we advance in rank. One you achieve your 1st degree BB, generally in two years you can plan on your second degree BB in two years, your third in 3 etc..

Once your achieve 5th degree your called and Associate Master; 6th is Master and 7th is Elder Master.

Our Grandmaster is a 10th degree black belt

A good website is http://www.shaolin-do.com/

It will explain why we use the word "Do" in our name

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I'll say it again...

Kata is for karate - FORM is the name the chinese use(Yes, the meanings are the same)

Also, why use karate uniforms, if you are practising kung fu?? historically it can be excused, but formally it is frowned upon.

3rd, no one, and I mean NO ONE can master ALL the forms in Kung Fu. Besides, it would be pointless, you learn the form, to develop your own form afterwards, your own unique movement.

4th, Baguazhang is not shaolin, Taichi is not shaolin, Hsing I is not shaolin.... Shaolin is Buddhist - Taichi, bagua and xing yi are taoist arts....

If you can in fact use the material you have learned, I congratulate you in your training, but know that its a mix of styles and not original material directly descendant of the Shaolin Temple, you can do research on your own to verify this.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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  • 3 months later...
I am studying Shaolin-Do Kung Fu. As a matter of fact I am taking my 2nd degree brown belt test tomorrow night.

I do not have any experience in the other styles to be able to make any valid comparisons.

I do know that what I have learned to date is very real and very effective in a fight. There are over 900 forms or katas to learn. We also have to learn forms from various other styles such as Tai Chi and Pakua as we advance in rank. One you achieve your 1st degree BB, generally in two years you can plan on your second degree BB in two years, your third in 3 etc..

Once your achieve 5th degree your called and Associate Master; 6th is Master and 7th is Elder Master.

Our Grandmaster is a 10th degree black belt

A good website is http://www.shaolin-do.com/

It will explain why we use the word "Do" in our name

Robert, you think having 900 forms is a good thing???

I studied SD many years ago before I came to my senses and started studying from someone else. I can tell you that the self defenses that SD teaches are iffy at best. I would not use half of them that they teach in a real life situation. SD claims to teach kung fu but the movements of thier "kata" look like kempo or some type of karate. The "kata" are to rigid and do not "flow" like a chinese form. Besides that they use Japanese terms such as dojo and kata and sensei. And yes I know their reasons for all of this but I just don't buy into it. By the way, I studied directly under Grandmaster Sin The' at The Sin The' Sports Center in Lexington, Kentucky.

Mark R.

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  • 11 months later...

I went and looked into Shaolin Do. It is hard to authenticate, prove, or disprove its lineage. It has some interesting training and forms. But I cannot stand in judgement of it as I was far advanced when I decided to do a week free trial. In other words, I do not think they had anything to offer a seasoned martial artist. I think everything there was a hodge podge with a few descrepancies in methods. One of the instructors, wanted me to stay and be promoted fast, in order to help in instruction or franchise out, I guess. This is not to boast.

For someone beginning and had not other options or other school to check out, then perhaps something is better than nothing. I had other things to do with my time than be there.

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It sounds like they value expansion, too. Not that it is a bad thing, but asking to recruit other experienced MAists to farm them out, sounds a bit fishy...

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Well, it wasnt like I was a stranger off the street. they did a "martial art background" check on me. Strange was I decided to try and do one on them, and they seem do not have anything but what they study and teach within their org. I guess they realised their poisition and I seen a student there advance real quick. So, I guess they decided to recruit from within.

On another note,

per the bottom of theirs web page:


""If your primary interest is tournament skills, I advise you to seek your training elsewhere! Most of what you will learn here is too lethal for tournament use. I teach the ancient system of Shaolin-Do, 'Art of survival, not of sport.' As did the immortals, we should learn to destroy so that we may preserve! It is a way of truth. The knowledge that I offer you is not an athletic training; it is a sacred trust."

Shaolin Grandmaster Sin Kwang Thé

HOWEVER, much contradiction oer this page:


"Rules for tournament

Event times

Meteor Fist

GrandMaster Sin will be teaching Meteor Fist on Sunday, August 23rd from 11-2pm. The event will be held at the Round Rock School. The event is open to all levels. Cost is $90 (includes DVD). To pre-register click here.

Tournament week Schedule


8/20 Testing At North Austin School

8/20 Final Demo Practice 6:30-7:30pm Round Rock School. Time Keeper/Score Keeper meeting 7:30-8:00pm NO CLASSES after 6

8/21 Testing At Round Rock School 6-10 pm. (Only if you have passed your pre-test) NO CLASSES

8/22 Tournament at Ridge View Middle School . Tournament starts at 10 am sharp. Night Demo starts at 7pm"

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