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Lets talk about seiza


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Well, Ive been thinking about seiza and about what it is supposed to accomplish. I regurlarly practice before training but in reality cant quite get around the mental part. Sitting there doesnt bother me much but trying to clear my head and focus is another story. I seem to either get tired or my mind wanders off to other things in life. Ive tried meditating in the past but again my active mind wont let me. Even when I try concentrating on breathing Ill get sidetracked onto another thought. I even have trouble sleeping due to this also unless Im physically done in from training or work. I have a somewhat stressful job and could really benefit from it if I could just get my act together.

Id love to hear how others have gotten around this, or whats helped them.

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It's odd, but you have to 'condition' yourself so to speak. Just like you have to condition your body to break boards and other miscellaneous things you have to condition your mind to ignore all those things that distract you. Now, that sounds vague but, think of it in terms of a drill you'd use to condition with. Think about being a quite place where you can meditate and have a timer, or an alarm on your cell phone set. Set it first for one minute, simple and easy. Challenge yourself to concentrate on ignoring everything until that alarm goes off. Keep increasing the time, and slowly but surely you will master your mind for as much time you need. Good Luck, and happy meditating! :karate:

"Smile. Show everyone that today you're stronger than you were yesterday."

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Hmmm, that might work. Im afraid it may turn out to be one of those things like laying in bed at night watching the clock thinking, if I can get 4 hrs of sleep Ill be ok....then an hour later....if I can just get 3 hrs...

I think my problem is that I just cant think of nothing at all. I dont know, maybe its medical :lol:

How do you hear or feel something and not think about it. Please note, Im not trying to be a wise guy but I just seem to be tuned into everything. Hard to explain but the more I try to ignore my outside world it seems like I notice more. I sometimes use an electronic box that makes waves, white noise, waterfalls etc. at night to get me to sleep and that helps but for the most part clearing my mind is tough. I will try the small time frame tonight and work on extending it, this is something I really need to learn to do.

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Let the random thoughts happen. They're going to happen anyway until you learn to ignore them. The key is, don't hang on to any one thought and don't get hung up on the fact that stray thoughts are messing up your serene meditation. I personally let the thoughts happen. I don't concentrate on anyone particular thing. Think of it as watching scenery from inside a moving car. Simply let it pass by. Your thoughts will become one big blur of background noise which you will eventually be able to ignore totally.

Don't concentrate on any one thing. For example, If you concentrate on your breathing you start wondering all sorts of things about it. Am I breathing correctly? Is my breathing too fast? Is it too slow? Yadayadayada ......

Let it blur. Then you can start fine tuning your meditaion after you calm your mind.

As for seiza, it's a different take on the lotus position for energy work. The idea is that it's easier to accomplish circulating the energy ( small circulation ) up the back and down the front (I'm really generalizing here) if the hips and knees are bent. This is supposed to greatly reduce the flow to these areas ( think of pinching off a garden hose ) and allow more energy to be available to circulate along the desired path in the upper body.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Sasori Te, thanks. I think that may be easier to do than trying to ignore the random thoughts all together. Thats so accurate with the breathing analogy, your definanitly in my head. Ill try both methods.

As far as seiza, we do it basiclly sitting on our knees, back straight and one hand in the other, not in the lotus position. I was under the impression that this was a meditation posture and a time to focus on karate only, kind of a time to shed thoughts not related to training.

Do you do focus on something different or is there another goal in your training? Is your mention of concentrating energy part of that meditation or something else? Im guessing you have been doing this a while.

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I meant to say that seiza is used like the lotus posture. The type of meditation you are describing can be done from any position so long as it's comfortable.

I was simply elaborating on what seiza was traditionally used for in terms of meditation. I'll elaborate more as I have time.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Hmmm, that might work. Im afraid it may turn out to be one of those things

The key words in your quote are 'might' and 'may'.

In addition to the sound advice already given, I must add that if you want to benefit from meditative practice, you must persevere.

Do not be doubtful, if you think doubtfully, you will do doubtfully.

I hope this helps.

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Hmmm, that might work. Im afraid it may turn out to be one of those things like laying in bed at night watching the clock thinking, if I can get 4 hrs of sleep Ill be ok....then an hour later....if I can just get 3 hrs...

I think my problem is that I just cant think of nothing at all. I dont know, maybe its medical :lol:

How do you hear or feel something and not think about it. Please note, Im not trying to be a wise guy but I just seem to be tuned into everything. Hard to explain but the more I try to ignore my outside world it seems like I notice more. I sometimes use an electronic box that makes waves, white noise, waterfalls etc. at night to get me to sleep and that helps but for the most part clearing my mind is tough. I will try the small time frame tonight and work on extending it, this is something I really need to learn to do.

everything that's been said here has been great! take it all in and try the drill, and give it more than a night, try like a week, and let me know how it goes!

"Smile. Show everyone that today you're stronger than you were yesterday."

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