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Anyone carry weapons ?


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KSN Doug, I agree, but I think it's better to be judged by 7 than carried by 6. I think that's the expression, I'm not sure.



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Not particularly, when you get into a fight idds are the worst you'll be facing is a chain, with a knife being the absolute limit. People always forget all of those little legal 'weapons' that they carry every day.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Pehapse. But over here, depending on which state you're in, you may get judged by the 7 (or 12) and then STILL get carried by 6.


I'd rather carry items that a jury can't think "Oh he was just looking for trouble carrying that".

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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ckdstudent you havent been in many steet fights have u???


the chain is always the least i see, almost every punk looking for a fight has a knife,


the knife gives that person and extra sense of security strength and bravery.... i dunno



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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I've been in one or two, maybe I should rephrase though. Here in the south and outside the big cities the worst you'll generally come across is a chain, mainly because the nearest place to buy a knife is London and people looking for fights tend to just stay up in London to find their victims.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Knuth, just stow the attitude, would you? You choose to live in your country with your laws, please do not be so disrespectful to the many others who do not live in your country, nor wish to, nor to their customs and laws. I would have thought a Marine or potential Marine would have a little more self-discipline than that. :dodgy:




My karma will run over your dogma


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Two men have tried to kill with a knife. Both times the knife was visible before hand. Both times I told them it was a bad idea and they should just turn around and walk away. Both times they lost. It is not a given that you'll never see the weapon even if their intent is murder.


People who carry weapons, legal or illegally, call them what you want but when you're in a fight and they have a weapon and you don't and you're killed there is no referee to call 'foul'. Sure it's cowardly, sure it's cheap, but if it's your life your talking about why let something so insignifcant as pride be your downfall?


Learn to fight with your hands. I don't see how one can expect to be truly proficient with a weapon if he cannot first fight without one. Carry a weapon if you think you may need it. There is nothing wrong with being prepared. Use it when necessary, don't if you don't have to. There are laws to worry about. Carry something that probably isn't considered a weapon, but can be used as one. A tire beater, utility knife, use your imagination. If you want go ahead and carry the traditional weapons. I know someone who carries a katana, .45cal, nunchaku, short stick, and combat knife everywhere in his car. A bit much maybe, but that's what he feels he needs. He's been pulled over by the police and they really didn't care after checking his record and speaking with him.


It's a personal choice. Sometimes I do, most I don't. I leave them at home. If I need to there are plenty of weapons for me to grab along the sidewalk.

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Bitseach: Sorry about that, I meant no disrespect by the post that was apparently deleted, infact it was more of a joke and I'm sorry it wasn't taken that way. I didn't mean to imply my country was better than yours. I was just trying to say that I would rather be safe, possibly in jail, then dead. By the comment ckdstudent made it sounded to me that he was affraid to protect himself because of the stringent laws on self defense. I'm trying not to say that he wouldn't if he had to but that is how I interpreted it.



Semper Fi

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KSN Doug: I'm from CT and a man who lived about two miles aways (real small town) from me shot an armed intruder in the leg. The man ran away but the LEO caught up to him. The intruder is in jail. He never had a chance to steal my neighbors TV or rape his teenage daughter (only he knows what he was there for) or hurt anyone else for that matter. I am an avid 2nd amendment supporter because I believe it is our greatest freedom because it keeps the rest safe.


P.S. To those who think only the weak carry weapons than I believe you are naive to the true world around you. Do you really think that running or h2h will solve every situation? Do you believe LEO are weak and lazy for carrying sidearms?




Semper Fi


[ This Message was edited by: Knuth on 2002-06-17 21:00 ]

Semper Fi

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