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Teaching cert.

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Hiya all. I need your oppinion on something. Teaching cert came up in another thread, but I decided to start a thread about it. Anyways here goes:


My school has a teaching cert program, which is good, but here's my problem. Normally in our school it takes 4 to 5 years to get BB. But with this teaching program, it takes 2 years (3 years for 2nd dan). They "rush" you for $900 (yes I said $900). but they offer classes (Leadership training classes) on teaching, and training you to teach as well.


BUT, at red belt, you are required to take these classes anyway (without plopping down the bucks). If you take the course for $900, you can start at green belt.


I'd love to take this course to get certified, but I can't afford that kinda money, plus I don't wanna rush. I seen two people are taking it, and they are having a rough time trying to keep up with all the material.


But yet, in my TSD school, you didn't have to pay that kind of money to learn to teach. You were called to teach by the instructor and he watched as you did your thing. You learn by trail and error, and he would correct you if needed to help you along. I have taught many classes (or assisted) many times that way. But there was no cert for it, but fun anyways.


Opinions anyone?






Laurie S.


Yellow belt/green stripe TKD


(formally 5th gup blue belt TSD)


[ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-12 10:33 ]

Laurie F

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When I wanted to start teaching I was worried about getting certification from one of the big shotokan groups the JKA, AJKA, ISKA, ASKA, etc. However at the time I could not afford the money or time to go and undergo the testing for it.


I was at the time in teacher education in college. I got all the knowledge I needed to work with kids through it. I have never became offically certified by one of the big groups but I am confidnet in my ability and my students are as well.


I put that on the table when people ask about it as well. I have a JKA and ASKA form laying in my desk at the dojo with my name filled in but I have yet to send it in. Mainly because I do not have the time to go off and do the testing. One day I hope to do so.


To teach you need self confidence in you techinque and you ability. If you got that you will be fine a piece of paper in a frame don't mean a lot.



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Thanks G95 :smile: I do feel (and have) I can teach. I'm confident in my technique, and I know I can properly teach a givin technique. So you don't think I need to plop down the dough for teaching?


I know you are a great teacher by the advice you have givin me on here many times. You don't need a peice of paper to show that. I never met you, and I know that just by the way you help people on here. Thanks again.


Iron, yes my school charges for all that (specialty classes), but they didn't charge me for the black belt club.



Laurie F

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Hey there KK75,


If you have the time why bother dropping the big $$(even if you did have it). What is important as G95 has pointed out is your confidence and ability to teach. Draw from your past experience and continue to learn from your new ones. Eventually you'll earn that teaching certificate, and in the end students will come to you because of the way you teach, and not because of a peice of paper. :smile:


Mind of Mencia

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Thanks KK1975.


The one thing I picked up is don't be affraid to let you students know you were wrong. None of us have all the answers and one thing that I hate to see is teachers that play God to their class.


You will do fine. You are open minded to new ideas and you have been in 2 styles I know of TKD and TSD correct?


You will learn so much more when you teach because you get to look at the art from a differant point of view.



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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It seems to me that a lot of this paper political stuff happens. It saddens me greatly!! What does a piece of paper really do? It looks pretty on the wall and can be burned for heat, but that's it.


In my school we give out certs and belts for their ranks. But when it comes time to teach we have to get permssion from my Sifu, and Grandmaster!


I think that is the way it supposed to happen.


This is just my opinion, though.


MonkeyNinja :kaioken:

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Well truth be known that is where we run into problems with karate teachers. Too many of us start teaching before we are ready. I just went back and watched Star Wars II again. Remember Obi-Wan teaching before he was ready. Lets don't turn out another Darth Vader guys. LOL.....


You will know if you are good enough to teach by how loyal your students are.


"Do everything youself that you ask of thouse you train." General Geroge S. Patton Jr. WWII......



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Yeah, that does sound like a money grab. your TSD school sounds kinda similar to mine. we have a leadership team where you are given a certain day or days to go help out. Every Thursday we meet and get training on teaching. The only expense we might pay is for the team uniform. Some of the more elite instructors, he pays for. the middle, he pays for half. The 3rd group is on the team but has to work there way up to the uniform. not sure which level I'm at yet. But, if you want you're own school, you begin a kyo sa nim program when u hit bbelt. More on that when iget ther, haha

cho dan TSD

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