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Carjacking Scenarios

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In the last style of Wing chun I was in they talked about it briefly but one of the instructors made us all feel really stupid...

HIs words exactly were

"Dont buy an expensive or nice looking car, lock your doors and never leave the windows down...basically buy a crappy car"

And he made us all feel stupid...

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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In the last style of Wing chun I was in they talked about it briefly but one of the instructors made us all feel really stupid...

HIs words exactly were

"Dont buy an expensive or nice looking car, lock your doors and never leave the windows down...basically buy a crappy car"

And he made us all feel stupid...

Car jackers go after crappy cars too.

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Dope money is dope money, no matter how much they get for chopping whatever they find.

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Hmmmm....Thats one point, but weed is cheaper and in my area their is very little dope only Weed. So it would be pointless to jack a car for dope, and its unheard of for drug related crimes in my area, obviously I do not live in the City anymore.

So, I guess it depends on where your location if most of all.

But Why would someone hijack a car, why wouldn't they just hot wire a unoccupied one, wouldn't it make sense to draw the least attention possible?

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Criminal activity and "make sense" don't really go together, though.

Just the other day, right next door to me, someone broke into the house, stole a bottle of hydrocodone, and made off with it. They didn't take anything of value otherwise; just the prescription narcotics that they can sell for around $25 a pill.

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But criminally that was smarter than hijacking a car...

$25per, thats pretty good I have to admit myself, but I think that, that would be an unrealistic price, around here the highest they go up is $15.

Im not sure if you dealt with any criminals who hijacked a car...but if you have then you would know that they wouldn't hijack a car to get high from the funds of it.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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First off, you can't ascribe normal logic to criminal behavior.

Second, some people are simply more violent by nature and thus seek to meet about all their needs with it.

Next, dope is pretty much synonomus with weed where I come from

Last, it largely, but not entirely, sarcastic. Most crime we see styms some how from a drug habit either thru funds necissary for more, or altered behavior due to its use.

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Ok lets try to stray away from what the media puts in our head. As I have worked with some criminologists for a while...I happened to be a paper pusher for them for about a year. But anyways.

One: All crimes are not drug related

two: All crimes are violent

Three: crimes are not always done for money

Four: crimes can be a subject of hate or racial crimes whether it be Spacial, sexual or racial crimes.

Copper country michigan, a man had his throat cut while sitting in a wal mart parking lot, and his car stolen, the sole reason behind the whole thing. He needed to get to Canada.

Drugs are not as criminally big as they use to be compared to hate crimes or just what some criminals refer to as "screwing around with people".

Someone is on the run...they need a vehicle...they are not going for a crappy volkswagon that might break down on them half an hour later.

Their is no way of us knowing whats gonna happen, and whose gonna do it...it could be your neighbor your best friend, whose just lost his mind and he is going on a rampage he kills you and steals your car...is he going to sell it for drugs or keep it?

Crimes are done so sporatically now its always changing patterns.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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At the risk of getting off topic, I'll reply to your thoughts. I guess it's really not off topic as to it does speak to the type of individual one is likely to encounter during an incident like this.

True, not all crimes are drug realted. But a healty number are. Between alcohol (technically a drug but not viewed as such in reality by our society) and drugs I'd guess you could account for their presence in some form to 60-80 percent of street level crimes. That's not from academic discussion, that's from living it from an enforcement side. As to what that means for ma-ist, it means that you might have to account for altered mental states in your opponant and possible decreased pain reception.

As to all crimes being violent, I guess you could classify them as that, given they step outside the law as well as the accepted social/moral contract. However, there is a big difference between a crime vs. properity and a crime vs. a person. Hence, labeling the second as violent. As ma-ist, this comes into play in not only choosing how we respond with our skills (properity cirme vs. personal) but also in our mindset. We have to realize we are training to fight an individaul who is violent by nature and willing to commit bodily crime. This is a major change from learning to compete or train against compliant partners.

True, not all crimes are based on money. But it does remain a good incentive. Burglaries are high, that can easily mean a trip to the pawn shop for coin. Same for auto theft. These individul often turn this money around for use in the drug market. It's common.

Hate and sex based crimes are reprehensible. Ofent, thre is drug or alcohol abuse that leads to the actual act itself in thse cases. Not always, but you can't overlook that componant.

As to drugs not being as big, I'd say the nuber of drug case is greater in frequency than those larger crimes we talked about above. This in turn creates a breeding ground for those larger crimes.

You mention a couple of catastrophic incidents. Yes, those are bad and may or may not have involved some for of substance abuse either long term or just prior to the act. It dosent' matter. The fact is that despte atttention grabbing headlines of unreatled tragdies,substance abuse remains a high problem and is often lined to crime. Including car-jackings.

This could take the form of use just prior or a motive. Granted, it's one of many possible motives, but it can remain a motive none the less. This means that discusion of dealing with this sort of thing should include the poisssible enviornemtal factor of a high or drunk perpetrator. I'd say it should also include a highly motiveated and violent thief. But you can't dimmiss the possiblity that you might have to deal with an individual motivated by other factors.

Remember also, it was half in scarcasm, I just found my sarcasm in experiance.

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