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Self-Defense against Rape

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Wishing for a world where this isn't needed,


I totally agree. I wish this wasn't an issue in our world. Personally, I feel that if you are being attacked you have the right to defend yourself. It is easier said than done, but true.

Joi H.

"Victory does not come from physical capacity- it comes from an indomitable will"- Gandhi

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Self-Defense against Rape

Beside possessing martial arts abilities, the best self-defense against rape is for one to NOT act like a victim. Carry oneself very confident because those who rape look for those who appear weak.

Also, don't put oneself in situations that can be avoided. There once was a time when Central Park in New York City was a extremely dangerious place to be after dark. To willingly place oneself into Central Park after dark was an invitation to the violence that was birthed there. Yes, cutting through Central Park was a shortcut, but, it was a shortcut to death. Those avoided placing themselves in dangerious situations by walking around Central Park. Now, Central Park is much more safer since NY has cleaned it up of the filth and slime....and I'm talking about the criminal element.

Are these two ways of avoiding rape a guarantee? No, because nothing's guaranteed in life except death and taxes.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would attempt to stop him and not kill him, because a sick freak who tries to rape people should be in jail, and doesnt deserve to be killed, they should sit and think about what they have done

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i would attempt to stop him and not kill him, because a sick freak who tries to rape people should be in jail, and doesnt deserve to be killed, they should sit and think about what they have done

I wouldn't really advise thoughts of that sort. Beyond the fact that there are a lot of sociopaths in the world who can commit horrific atrocities and then happily go to bed and have pleasant dreams (4% of population was a figure I heard), there is the other point, related to the nature of forgiveness and the like..

hate tears ourselves apart. It is not to us to try to exact vengeance or payback, but merely to append two words to the tragedy or horror of that criminal spree: "The End."

Whether that involves injury, death, arrest, or merely forceful application of a clue upside the head hard enough that the perpetrator realizes that they should never try it again really doesn't matter. The betterment of the world does not in the slightest bit require or desire an eye for an eye.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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I agree with Justice on the tough process that goes into defense at this level of threat. Anything less than optimal responses are less than adaquate.

Assult that would cause death or great bodily harm is met with in kind. End of story. If he's not killed or maimed by your counter offensive, well, things dont' always go to plan. But to start from a point further down the force scale is mentally setting up for failure when one can afford it the least.

Just my opinion.

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Right.. It's also a mistake to apply a FLOOR to your force scale, too, in hopes that you can enact some sort of punishment.

Sometimes, an optimal response, because of circumstances offered to you by fate, just isn't that high on the scale. Committing to a -more- violent response than opportunity presents an option to use can endanger you needlessly, just as much as committing to a -less- violent response can.

For instance, if there are potential witnesses/allies nearby, a loud verbal warning/alarm might be the best option to make the danger go away. Of course, you might think "But I want him to pay for what he was going to do" and pull out a knife - but maybe they had a knife that they didn't have the will to use before it turned into their own defence.

Just make yourself safe. Don't adjust your response up or down based on your desire to see the guy suffer, or anything similar to that.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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JusticeZero and tallgeese are making good points. When faced with a situation like that, the upmost thing in mind should be to survive. In this, one has to think for him/herself, and not about setting up punishments for the one attacking. That's a quick way to put oneself behind the 8-ball really quick, when one may not have time to make up for it.

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  • 3 months later...

I was attacked by a guy in 2002 who tried to sexually assault me, he grabbed me around the waist so that i was facing him and he lifted me off the ground. My arms were free so I used one to thump him a good one right in the side of his bald head. He quickly let me go and I ran away.

I believe you do what you have to do to protect yourself. If you have to hurt someone to save yourself, so be it. If you have to kill them - thats self - defence and not even master-sensei funakoshi said self - defence is bad.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Anything less than optimal responses are less than adaquate.

Yes, and if you focus on your emotions rather than the task at hand, your response will not be optimal. In a situation with such high stakes, you cannot afford to distract yourself with secondary goals. Survive first; punishment and revenge can wait.

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