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. The testostrone is suffacating in MMA orgs.

Im not turning this into a MMA thread , read ALL the argument please.

I dont know what you mean. ´´ Testosterone is everywhere ´´.

Martial arts where made for men , by men . We are men , we fight. Martial arts are about fighting -in a ring....on the streets , in the woods , in the jungle- . Bushidoman was right...

If you want a zen course , you might join a zen buddhist temple.

I have been in some Kung fu and Wing tsung TMA and people with higher ranks sometimes barely spoke to lower ranks ( In the break of 15 min we had , they made a circle and rarely spoke to the newbies.). And I was not always a noob there , but I felt really bad sometimes.

People with a darker piece of clothe in their hips sometimes could have a VERY ARROGANT attitude. They barely sparr , and when they did the stronger punch wouldnt make a baby cry. I dont say that is the reality of all TMAs , Im talking from my side of the coin.

When I started boxing ...the first day I had to jump in the ring I was punched like a bag. Yep , that guy gave me a lesson , but we became really good friends because I acted humble and wanted to learn from who was better -something that was hard to me at that time-. I did learn that your skill must to be proved , not worn .

Is awesome to have the highest military condecoration , but only if you deserve it. A viet nam veteran , who fought 500 battles..... will be the same great guy with or without the medal.

When I joined the MMA club...Everyone was very friendly with me.... they advised me about tapping , and I rolled the very first day.

MMA/BOXERS/´´CONTACT SPORTS ´´ guys , in general they will show you that they are better than you -yep , is the animal thing we all have -, but the KNOWLEDGE will be always available for you . If you ask how to do an armbar to the gym ´´ champ´´ , he probably will show you. He will not tell you that ´´you are not in the advanced path ´´ . You will not be segregated if you show guts and will.

I think bruce would think in that way , MA should be mixed , you should be allowed to take the piece of the puzzle you want to and make your own..... You should not be controled or limited in your intruction.....of course we need some program or guide but Bruce did not like a tight gi , he wanted to be free.

I have my ´´ internal ´´ side , but it is not in my fighting training. I am a devout christian and I think all the time in the meaning of my existence.

But when I fight , Im fighthing. I am triying to win . I may shake your hand after....but not during the fight. And the Comradeship you will find in MMA, has no price.

´´ The evil may win a round , but not the fight ´´

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While I may come across as two faced given my previous post, I do agree with your viewpoint (I posted earlier on this thread about how many MMAers I've run into are more 'respectful' then TMAers). MMA gyms provide some of THE best training to be an all around fighter in all ranges, and the people tend to be very helpful in helping you learn (especially for a slow learner like me). If you come in with an 'attitude' you probably won't last too long, and although the fights may be fierce looking, a hug and a handshake are often the final outcomes of a bout. However, I was touching on earlier that I do agree with some (not all) of the sentiments that Mall_Detective has. I strongly disagree that because MMA looks different from many TMAs in fighting and that it doesn't look smooth, that it is any less of a martial art. Nevertheless, the promotions around the events themselves grate on my nerves as I touched on a couple of posts ago. I'd like to support my local fighters, but I don't like having to listen to all of the trash talk and poor behavior NOT given by the fighters and usually the people there supporting them and those who love martial arts (including MMA), but the large portion of the audience who just wants to see a beating and drink. Granted, these sorts of people are at ALL sporting events. Anyone who has done reffing at anything from local kiddie games to the big leauges can tell you that. However MMA attracts a larger than normal number of these people. I hope this clarifies my position a bit better. :)

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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Both your view points are interesting , but we carn't say if one person is wrong becuase its your opinion and your opinion is never wrong.

I think that there is no 1 style , and that to truly become a great martial artist and person you must take information from where ever you can.

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