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Why did you join MAs???

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I'd have to say that's pretty cool- unfortunately I'm the only one in my family/circle of friends with an interest in martial arts. My girlfriend and I might start BJJ together though...

best of luck to you both. maybe you'll end up as joint owners of your own family ma's school one day! :lol:

:idea: .......no Mrs. Nightowl as of now though.


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I joined because I found a school that was close to where I live & I was curious to learn about it. Also the tuition at that time was not outrageously priced. I had no prior experience with martial arts.

Edited by Tiger1962
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  • 2 months later...

I started MA for various reasons - have always admired martial arts in general and wanted to take off where I started when i was younger (Judo).

Also wanted to improve my fitness and flexibility , as well as my inner confidence / ability. Also due to a back injury my doctor suggested building core muscle - he suggested pilates or an MA - I thought Karate would be more fun and practical - no contest really.

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Hmmm.....alot of reasons for me.

I've been into MA's since I saw my first ma flick on tv. Think at the time it was called black belt theatre and it ran ever saturday. Usually during the program or at the end they would teach techniques and what not and I'd stand there in front of the tv trying to do them also. I was bout 7 or 8.

At 10 I tried TKD, didnt like it. Instructor wasnt very good in my opinion. He'd make you try, or more likely force you to do splits. A kid I knew had to go to the hospital for a torn groin muscle.

So I quit but was still very much into it. Kept'd buying black belt mags with my allowance and trying to practice moves in the magazine.

But, what really got me going was the summer before I turned 14, the town bully started picking on me. Now, I had a short temper as it was anyways and thought I could defend myself. I was like, Hey, I've been practicing the moves. Let's see him try something. I was wrong.

After a few real punches to my stomach, I ran home pretty much crying. Dad really never taught me to fight so I asked my mom for my bday I really wanted to learn MA. So at 14 I enrolled in isshinryu.

Later on, mom told me she trusted this teacher cause he was also a high school teacher, had kids of his own and his rep was high in my area. Also she was hoping he would straighten out my short temper and help me cope with the bully without fighting.

John Hughes is still my teacher and without him and his wisdom and knowlegde I probably wouldnt be where I am today.

But he did teach me to control my temper, I learned how to stand up to the town bully and never had to use my MA teachings in a fight. I've had a lot of confrontations but was always able to talk my way out of them, like I was trained to do.

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In fifth grade, there was a talent show and this kid broke a board.

Just a few months later, I joined - I never regretted it. I'm a sophomore now and I still go there.

It's more than just a martial art. It's responsibility and respect. It's friendship and trust. But most of all, it's a passion.

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I seem to remember a lot of reasons. Mainly because of Bruce Lee movies I think...I was a big fan. A club opened up not far from me and being interested, I thought that would be the thing to do. I was in my early teens and felt the whole awkeward thing and was really looking to belong to something I guess. So, a whole mix of things. Best choice I ever made.

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