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Tornado Kick (aka Hurricane kick)

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Any suggestions or advice on ways to execute a better tornado kick? Also, any practice tips that will help with this type of kick is appreciated? As I'm moving up in rank, this kick is required in a number of open hand and weapons forms and my T-kick needs some work. Thanks in advance for the help.


Dan O

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The video that Dano posted has a very good all around explanation of the tornado (spinning or 360 degree) roundhouse kick. I've been doing it for 2.5-3 years now, and I couldn't explain it better. BTW a hurricane kick is something different (at least it is in my school). It's almost the opposite of a tornado kick. You lead in like you're doing a regular roundhouse kick and then without putting your foot down you jump off the posted leg and plant a back kick on your target in mid air. Not a beginner kick mind you but I've scored some real sold hits in tournament with that set up. The hurricane kick leads to learning the jump spinning hook as well. Just thought you may find this informative.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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In Kuk Sool Won, our tornadoes are very similar to the video provided. However, I think it's more of just a spinning jump followed by a high kick because the other foot is always planted before the kick comes through.

I suggest following through with the kick and kind of barrel rolling in air. I think a good tornado kick lands on the foot it kicked with. I haven't had much practice at it, but it's worked for me a few times.

First: Do a high kick. Follow through all of the way and make sure the foot you're kicking with is pointing behind you before you jump. Look at the video. Towards the end you'll see him doing a kick and then jumping into the high kick. Do that and add the second part.

Second: Jump as high as you can and bring your kicking leg all the way across your body. For example, if you kick with the right, point it way over to the left and follow through. At the same time, spin your upper body.

Third: Try to land on the foot you kicked with and then quickly set back to the original side you were facing.

Confusing? It probably is. I wish I was there personally with you. I'm a much better teacher like that. Still, I hope what I said is of some use. Be sure to let me know.

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You can also set the kick up by stepping forward first, to gain more momentum, and then beginning the kicking technique. Eventually, you will want to work away from this, but it can help in the early stages of learning.

A friend of mine that was really into Olympic TKD had some really quick stutter-stepping footwork that he did for this kick as well. He kept his body lower to the ground, and didn't jump as much. It is much quicker that way, and is a great counter in sparring.

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Thanks for the replies. The video was especially helpful. I'm 42, 6'3", 215# and feeling the "tourque" to get my body and legs around has been difficult. The video did a good job breaking it down. I'm looking forward to trying it on the mats this evening.

To clarify, the hurricane kick at our school is a back leg, out-to-in cresent kick, then with the leg you landed your cresecent kick on, you do a spinning roundhouse kick, kicking with the same leg.

Just FYI, after that You Tube video link DWx sent was done, the small screen showed two additonal video you could watch. Did anyone see that video of the match between UCLA and Stanford. That person lands an incredible tornado kick. If you missed it here is the link:

Thanks again for the help.

Dan O

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Thanks for the replies. The video was especially helpful. I'm 42, 6'3", 215# and feeling the "tourque" to get my body and legs around has been difficult. The video did a good job breaking it down. I'm looking forward to trying it on the mats this evening.

To clarify, the hurricane kick at our school is a back leg, out-to-in cresent kick, then with the leg you landed your cresecent kick on, you do a spinning roundhouse kick, kicking with the same leg.

Just FYI, after that You Tube video link DWx sent was done, the small screen showed two additonal video you could watch. Did anyone see that video of the match between UCLA and Stanford. That person lands an incredible tornado kick. If you missed it here is the link:

Thanks again for the help.

Dan O

It sounds like you study Kuk Sool Won too.

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Thanks again for the help. I watched the video a dozen more times, then went to class to try it out. Still needs alot of work, but I think I'm spinning after the first kick better. Will work at it again this evening.

The BB of C, our school teaches a combination of three styles; TKD, Hapkido, and TSD.

Dan O

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