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Quickest to Blackbelt status?

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Because it is the american way of wanting things...hot and ready and out the door...in my dojo I only guarantee that the door is always open...

This statement particularly resonates with me. It seems like the kids, especially, need more / constant reminding that we train at a dojo for "ability" and not belts. Maybe it's a "kid" thing, maybe it's a generational thing, I don't know.

Then there's me, at the opposite end of the spectrum, trying to remain as unassuming as possible. If you're wearing a black belt, people expect you to be competent. Someone wearing a lighter color -- you never know what's inside ;-)

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I've seen advertisements that say "Get your blackbelt in one YEAR!", and of course they're belt factories.

I've told my students that I'd give them a black belt anytime they wanted it...and to prove a point I've passed out all of my old black belts (5 I think) and had them take off theirs and put them on, plus any new BB's I had at the time and any brown belts also so that nobody was to left out. After they put them on, amid jokes and appropriate "HiYaws..LOOK AT ME!" I asked them...now, do you feel any differently? Do you feel you know more or could perform better now with that belt on?

Of course, they didn't. Point being that it's not the belt that makes you any good, it's knowledge and training.

Now, back to the origional question on this thread. Which system do I feel it's easiest to get a BB in? In my experience, hands down, it's TKD.

Which art takes the longest? I don't know..I've heard of one that takes a minimum of 9 years.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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What style of martial art would you say is the quickest/easiest to earn a blackbelt status and which is the most difficult?

Internetorder Do


:lol: :P :lol:

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 1 month later...

It varies from school to school and from style to style. BJJ will take the longest to Shodan.

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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My aunt got her black belt in Kickboxing at one of the local McDojos in two years. I did Isshinryu for 5 years when I was younger and I only made it to 6th kyu (I was a few months away from getting 5th). It think it depends more on the school than the style, to tell you the truth. Although some styles seem to have more McDojos than others. Maybe they're just the more popular styles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have to tell ya that you shouldn't even worry about becoming a black belt. That comes in time, but really doesn't mean as much as a lot of people think. It's all about how hard you train and what kind of goals you set for yourself. I've seen black belts that are terrible, and I've seen orange and green belts that can kick major tail because they give every training session everything they have and train in there spare time on there own as well. Forget about belts and status, and start thinking about forging your body to do what you want. If all you want is a black belt go online and buy one, if you want to be a martial artist then start at the beginning and train hard in a good school.
Good reply and I couldn't agree more.
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